Your daily dose of Testosterone…this is almost 500lb…
-There will only be an 8 am class this Saturday due to the California Strength seminar starting at 10 am.
–Inov8 shoe order will be placed at the end of this week. If anyone is interested in a new pair of Inov8s, sign-up sheet is located in the CFP store.
A. Back Squat – 3 x 10 @ 70% w/2 Min Rest
OHS @ 135lb/95lb
C1. Back Extensions – 3 x 10 w/30 Sec Rest
C2. Divers – 3 x 20 w/30 Sec Rest
-Post results under comments
Back Squat: 85/85/85
WOD: 55lb 17 reps, finished at 45lb
I know it sounds small…but it was big for me! Today i actually did a correct burpie! I didn’t have to go down on one knee at a time to get to the floor, i was totally surprised and my motivation just jumped 50 points.
Thank-you all for you patient and great instruction. Julie
Back squats were off only did 3 sets of how ever many reps felt comfortable
WOD: 8:13 @95lbs didn’t exactly push it
Back squats @ 205
WOD 6:15 @ 95
Oly, squats, and Annie in 6:42.
Nice job Julie Scudamore on your burpee today- awesome!!! Today was the first squatting workout I have done since March. It feels so good to squat without pain! I went light, and will ease back into it. 3×10 BS at 45#, 21-15-9: OHS at 15# and Toes to bar: 6:48, 3x 20: divers and banded good mornings (green band). Good stuff. Happy Monday!
BS 3×10 @ 185#
WOD: 6:04 @ 95#
bs 3×10 @275
wod 6:46@95 loved it need to go higher on weight
BS 3×10 at 115
WOD 8:26 at 65.
Good to be back CFing. But man put a little wt on me and I am toast!
BS 3 x 10 at 145
WOD 7:18 at 95 doing back squat instead of OHS
T2B was the limiting factor felt like a good WOD harder than it looks.
BS 3×10 @ 135#
Wod: 8:35 @ 85# (couldn’t maintain balance at 95). T2B felt good!!
A. BS – 3X10 at 145 lbs.
B. OHS at 45 lbs (back / balance issues). T2B –
Finally success. Not pretty, but I was able to do them….felt great – 8:29.
C. Divers – 3X20.
Workout went better than I thought it was going to.
BS : 105 #
WOD : 6:40 @ 65 # OHS and toes to the ring.
BS 3X10 @ 125
OHS at 60# 7:26
Back Squat 3×10 @
WOD 7:37 @ 55….
Stupid tear on my hand hurt!!!
Back extensions and divers
BS 155#
WOD 6:40 at 45lbs, terrible flexibility on the OHS needs improvement.
DIvers and Banded Good mornings
BS @ 205
WOD 4:29 at 85# and knees to elbows
A) BS 135#
B) 4:53 @ 45# and T2Rings
C)Green-banded good mornings and divers