Due to the holidays there will only be one class this Wednesday at 8 am, be prepared for a fun 4th of July workout!
A. Back Squats – 3 x 10 @ 73% w/2 Min Rest
B. Single Leg Box Jumps – 3 x 5 (R/L) w/60 Sec Rest
C. 5 Rounds AFAP
25 x Double unders
200M x Run
D. Banded Good Mornings – 1 x 40-50
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A. hip was tight so only did a few sets of a few reps at 135
B. single leg box jumps went well. Left was better than right
C. 6:41
3×10 Back squats at 65#
5 x 75 singles and 200 m run – 10:10
WOD: 7:30 Rx
WOD: 10:41 – singles (guess I gotta just commit to doubleunders only and struggle so I can get them). Back squats at 95# 3×10, these are getting easier.
BS: 3×10 @ 145 (75% roughly)
wod: 8:15 rx (off and on with DU’s, had then perfect 1st round, then 2nd was iffy and down hill from there) 🙁
need to work on these again..
Worked on form today for BS 3×10@85#
WOD 7:58 rowing and slam balls with the 20#.
6:09 Rx
Wish I could’ve done this at 5:30am. The heat was brutal!
A. BS — 3×10@150 lbs.
B. Box Jumps — this was a challenge. Right leg better than left leg.
C. WOD — 9:05 (had to do singles), still working on my doubles.
BS : 125#
Box Jumps : single leg were challenging, I think I did around 16 “.
WOD : 10:05 with SUs.
a. back squats @ 210
b. 24 in. box
c. 8:05 . . . I am the Francisco Liriano of double unders (inconsistent . . . did singles tonight)
Squats @ 215
10:10 WOD with singles
Back squats at 155
20 in box on the single leg jumps
Wod- 9:42. One set with DU’s then singles.
Back squats 85#
Single leg box jumps 45# plate, then 45/25# then 45/45 stacked These scared me. =)
WOD Singles 10:19 and ditto what Alex said, the heat was brutal!