Monday 07162012


A.  Max Clean & Jerk 

B.  6 Rounds AFAP 

5 x TNG C&Jerks @ 165lb/115lb 

200M Run 

10 x T2B

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9 Responses
  1. DJ (AKA Dawn Johnson)
    Warm up before class- DJ’s warm up 2-mile run (did not do the run) 2 x( 30 sec wall squat, 15 push ups, 15 med ball #10 sit ups, 10 Russian sit-ups each way w/medball, 10 verticle jumps)
    C&J max 105# new PR 🙂 but could not repeat
    WOD 17:04 + dizziness&asthma attack (started 70# but then to 60# for last 4, run/shuffle, sit-ups). Trying to go closer to Rx’d as possible even if it takes me all day to do a WOD.

  2. Having shoulder issues so replacing most arm movements, coming back after off for two weeks:
    A) Back squats 10x 115#, 10x 135#
    B)-20 walking lunges
    -200m run
    -20 situps

    Feels good being back after time away!

  3. Josh

    C&J 165# – got 175 on clean, but couldnt jerk. PR
    WOD: 14:45 @95# and knees to elbows first rounds. Last two rounds were sit ups due to my other hand tearing. 🙂 I know I’m supposed to avoid tearing my hands but i feel more like a legit gym rat now. 🙂