-The new CFP location is close to complete which means MORE space is soon to come! With more space, comes the opportunity to begin growing our community once again. We encourage you to begin inviting friends, family and anyone else to join the fun. For those interested, call [ 507-884-9370 ] or email [ [email protected] ] to set-up a free intro session.

A. 10 Min Skill AMRAP
Pos 3 Snatch
Pos 2 Snatch
B. Mini DT
5 Rounds AFAP
9 x Deadlifts
6 x Hang Power Cleans
3 x Push Jerks
A. Every 75 Secs for 8 Sets
1 + Snatch (Pos 3)
1 + Snatch (Pos 1)
5 Rounds AFAP
12 x Deadlifts
9 x Hang Power Cleans
6 x Push Jerks
@ 155lb/105lb
Level 2
Every 75 Secs for 8 Sets
1 – 2 x Muscle-ups/Scaled Muscle-ups
2 x Squat Snatches – Start at 115lb/85lb
Level 1
Every 15 Secs for 16 Sets
1 x Power Snatch @ 185lb/115lb
3 Min Rest
Max UB Set of Muscle-ups
5 Rounds AFAP
12 x Deadlifts
9 x Hang Power Cleans
6 x Push Jerks
@ 155lb/105lb
Optional Accessory
A1. Reverse Hyper – 3 x 15 (Med-Heavy)
A2. GHD – Sit-ups – 3 x 20
A3. Banded Pull Aparts – 3 x ME
-Post results under comments
A. @65# x4 rounds, then 70# 4 rounds. Position 1 = definitely my weakness
B. DT at 85# 11:56 Ouch, slow this morning. HANG power clean, also not my best movement. DL and PJ were not too bad. Sweaty Betty this morning, more than usual 🙂
A. 2 Rd @ 65lbs, 6 Rds @ 70lbs- Position 1 was tough!!!
B. DT 11:42
1st Round @ 105 then had to take off weight….
Rds 2-5 @ 85
DL and Cleans weren’t bad, but struggled with PJ…..
A. @ 55#
B. @55#- 9:08
A. @ 15#
B. @ 35# 6:38
A) 75 lbs
B) 80lbs 7:48
First lifting WOD after shoulder injection. I am optimistic especially now since I started the liquid fish oil. Yay!
A. 85lbs
B. 95lbs 5 rounds 12:35
A. @95# rounds 1-3 @105# rounds 4-8. Failed on the last pos 1 snatch
B. 7:00 @95#. This one was challenging…and awesome 🙂 Which usually translates to “do more weight next time”
A: 2xmu for x4, then 1mu for last 4 @85#
B: hit 10min cap
4+ 8 reps @105#rx
Damn that was killer!!
A. 85lb for 1st 3. Then Matt said that if you are a man, you should add weight. So went up to 95lb
B. 8:35 @85lb
A. @45lbs. Went light and focused on good form since I had shoulder/back issues last week. Position 1 was more challenging.
B. 10:10 @45lbs. Again, light. Better form on the cleans this week. Could hardly grip the bar by the end, but it was kinda fun.
A. 45 – worked on deeper squats with snatch and OHS
B. 9:12 @ 55# great workout, it sneaks up on you by round 5.
shoulder feeling pretty good and knee continues to improve. I’m getting hopeful of achieving some new PRs over the next few months if this continues! 🙂
Good position work with light weight this morning.
DT @ 115 11:49. Ran out of gas quick. Good solid work out
A. 95lbs X 8. Should have gone a little heavier.
B. 95lbs X 5.
Good workout…..I had poor form on my dead lifts. Sore back tonight.
A. started with 35lbs. and built up to 65lbs (standing snatch PR)
B. 60 lbs around 10:30. Felt it in my forearms.
A. 4rds @ 75# 4 rds @85# technique felt really good.
B. 9:19 @95# fabulous wod
A. 85# every lift my form changes. Leaning forward/backwards. Need work on my OHS
B. 2 rounds 105#. Too heavy. Last 3 rounds 85#. Almost too light. 9:20. Bad weight choices for the workout. Looked easier than it was.
A. 95lbs
B. 12:01 improvement of 7:26
C. 1 mile sled pull 45lbs 20:29
A-x2MU, x2snatch@115
B- @115 -8:55
A. 75#
B. 2 rounds @ 85#, 3 rounds @ 75#. 9:00
8:50 on DT. 2:22PR for me. Deadlifts were unpleasant.
A. Started at 85 ended at 105
B. 4 + 20, started with too heavy weight(115) should have started 10-15 lighter.
A. 55 lbs. I get sooooo frustrated doing snatches! Just need to keep trying to push into a deeper squat.
B. 10 min cap = 55 lbs 4 rounds + 12 + 9
A. 55#
B. 65#, 9:27
A. 35#. OHS still suck.
B. 55# – this is about as much as I can press right now, and it went well. No shoulder issues! I thought my form was good but then I saw the video that Sherwin posted…still rounding my shoulders on the DL, even at this light weight.
A. 85#
B. 115# – 8:50
A. 75-75-80-80-80-85-85-85
B. 8:17 @85#
A. 95 lbs
B. 7:41 @ 95 lbs
A. @55#
B. 10:06 @55#
A. @55lbs
B. @35lbs. PJ is really hard for me…
a. 55#
b. 9:10 65#
A. 65 lbs
B. 8:37 @ 65 lbs.
Definitely glad I went low on the weight; I really need to focus on my clean technique. My deltoids are still recovering from whatever I did to them at the PR Challenge on Saturday. The lighter deadlifts I think were actually helping whatever muscle problem I have in my lower back. I might try a series of those this week to see if working it out at 65 lbs helps it heal up.
A. 35# bar – still working on my snatch technique, definitely the hardest lift for me
B. Fitness, 55#, 7:09
I should have pushed myself and done the performance workout instead of fitness. My wrists are really sore today – maybe from improper technique on the hang cleans?
A. 55#
B. Performance. 4 rounds +19 @65#