-The Barbell Club T-shirts/Thermals/Tank order will be placed this Friday. If you’re interested placing an order please follow this LINK and put your order in the google document or contact Matt at [email protected].
-New class updates starting this week! 9 additional hours of classes have been added!
A. Snatch – 7 x 2 @ 75%-85% w/90 Sec Rest
B. 5 Rounds AFAP
5 x Squat Snatches @ 165lb/115lb
10 x T2B
20 x Russian Swings @ 2 pood / 1.5 pood
-Rest 1 Min between rounds
C. 3 x 1 Min Planks w/30 Sec Rest
-Post results under comments
20:02 @ 135#; just don’t have my strength back yet
14:00 @115#. I did not do full squat snatches, trying to work on a stronger catch.
A. Back Squats 5×5: 85, 95, 105, 105, 105
B. Strict pullup work: 5×5: red band/negative pullups
C. KB snatches 5R/5L: green (10kg), pink(12kg), white(14kg), blue (16kg)- blue is a PR- got 5 R and 3 L then failed.
D. 1 min max pushups (26), then 8 min AMRAP: 8R/8L KB snatches (12kg), 6R/6L KB thrusters (12kg) and 8 burpees with 18” hurdle jump over (2 rounds +16 snatches), then 1 min max pushups (26)
14:09 on the WOD at 45lbs for the snatch.
PR Snatch is 65lbs. 45lbs was hard but I was still able to do 3 snatches in a row on the last round before breaking.
I think it’s time to find a new snatch PR.
10lbs squat snatches
400m run
10lbs plate swing
13:42 @ 85#
14:47 @ 55#
14:20 @ 115#
11:23 @ 55# snatch, white KB and toes to the rings.
2×15 leg presses(via machine) @ 200# -working on good deep (as I could) positions.
then 5×5 leg presses (via machine) @ 220#
— Started rehabing arm today so didn’t want to push it, 1st day w/ minimal pain!!
14:42-135 snatches, knees to chest, and big red kettlebell!
Substituting my own movements until my rotator cuff heals & strengthens.
A. Fr. squats at 125#
B. 11:11
-5 back squats @ 95#
-10 24# box jumps
-20 situps
13:03 @ 95, Yellow KB, and knees to elbows first three rounds. Hands in bad shape so moved to those “laying flat on your back and raising your legs striaght up the wall” thingies.
14:50 at 50# snatch, attempted T2B mix with N2E, 1 pd KB, got a PR for snatch 2×70#
14:08 at 45lb. getting better at one of my least favorite lifts.