Save the Date – Holiday Hoedown December 14th!!! Starts at 7pm – 10pm.

A. Deadlift – 5 x 2 w/2 Min Rest
30 x Dumbbell Push Presses
3 Rounds
15 x Jumping Squats
20 x Sit-ups
30 x Push-ups
A. Snatch + OHS – 5 x 2 w/2 Min Rest
40 x Push Presses @ 75lb/55lb
3 Rounds
10 x T2B
12 x Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch w/Step down (Optional)
40 x Push-ups
A. Snatch + OHS – 5 x 2 w/2 Min Rest
50 x HSPU
3 Rounds
12 x T2B
17 x Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch
50 x Ring Dips
-Post results under comments
A. 65-65-95-95-95
B. 6:40
A. 85- 95- 100- 105- 110 (5lb Snatch PR)
B. 7:48
PP @ 55lbs- If you can, do these UB.. I stopped at 20 and the last 10 were tough to get going again
Box. Jumps at 20 inch
Mix of T2B and K2E- trying to get the UB movement down, so tried to do some K2E UB
20 OHS @ 85lbs
A. 55-60-60-65-65
B. 7:42 – PP @ 35lb, T2B on floor, Box Jumps @ 16″ (knee finally feels comfortable to jump this high!)
push-ups killed me at the end…
Second 5:30am class – may try to get these in the regular rotation.
A. 75-75-95-95-95
B. 7:45 – Push Press @75#, 24″ box (step-up, down – didn’t trust my jumping balance at 5:30am), K2E. Was able to do the final 40 push-ups in 3 chunks, continue to see improvement on those doing the CG.
Install laminate hardwood flooring for 16 hours yesterday and then another 12 hours today. Crossfit is way easier! My back is dying! Tomorrow will be interesting at crossfit…..
OK so after being sick for 2 weeks I wanted to try today’s wod (fitness).
A. Deadlifts: 85#; 105#; 105#; 135#; 135# (I got a deadlift PR a couple weeks ago right before I got sick, and it was 130. Because of the selection of weights we have at home, I had to do the above. We have a 35# bar and two 10# weights and four 25# weights. 135# was pretty difficult, but I
managed to pull it off! or I guess I should say “pull it up!” 🙂
B. I lifted the 35# bar for the pushpresses (rested a teeny bit in between 15 and 15)
3 rounds of 15 regular squats and 20 sit-ups
followed by the 30 push-ups, which were waaayyy hard for me. For some reason my wrists (and other joints) have been so sore since I’ve been
sick. But I did them, even though I did them s l o w l y.
Felt good to have been able to do it!
Hodge Podge of Sport and Performance:
A. 85-95-105-115-125
B. 40 PP @ 75#
3 rounds:
12 x T2B
17 x BJ
40 x ring push ups
A.85-95-105-115-125-135 (for 1)-135 (for 1)
B. DNF- 5 reps left at 15:00 cap. Not bad, flew through HSPU. T2B were consistent but broke them up into sets of 4. Box jumps slow. Need to do rebounding. Dips….well they were dips and they weren’t pretty but I didn’t get frustrated, so thats an accomplishment in itself!
A. 55, 55, 60, 65, 70……working on these
B. 9:41 55# PP, 20 in BJ, sit ups. Went to knees for PU.
I gotta push past this weather and get motivated!
A. 185/185/195/195/205/205
B. 7:13
A. 2x2x245, 2x2x250, 1x2x265pr
B. 8:58
Shoulder was quite sore that evening, but better today.
A. 75, 95, 115, 115, 120
B. 8:27
40 PP @ 65
3 Rounds of 10 T2B, 12 20 inch box jumps / step-ups
40 push-ups
PP was unbroken, T2B (first round unbroken, then 5 plus 5, then 5 plus 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), PU’s were 10, plus 10, plus 5, 5, 5, 5.
Shoulders are very sore today!