Fitness – Performance
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
2 x Front Squats @ 90%
2 x Push Jerks @ 90%
B. Jack
20 Min AMRAP
10 x Push Jerks @ 115lb/85lb
10 x American Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
10 x Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch
A. 5 Sets – Yolk Carry
20M – Go Heavy
B. Jack
-Post results under comments
Oly-Hook grip all day long for snatch and clean and jerk feeling much more comfortable and I can see how it’s a much stronger grip
Yolk carry 215-300lbs
Wod 9+24 box jumps and stepups mixed.
It was tough but mostly i just wanted food!
A. Front Squats 135 x 3, 145 x 2
Push Jerk 105, 105, 105, 115, 115
B. 8 + 8 @ 85lbs, 1 pood, 20 inches
I knew going into this WOD it was going to be tough for me… Moving weight overhead fast, is still pretty hard for me….
Going to start working on a wider grip to see if I can get faster….
Box Jumps and set ups mixed
Am. Swings helped me make up time!!!
Strength Training
A. Yolk Carry 215-300#
B. 10+23 Rx (Did all box jumps, or jump up/step down. First time I haven’t had to use step-ups in forever!!!). Leg slowly getting better.