Saturday 09212013

CFP Boot Camp  

Our next boot camp starts September 30th and meets M/W/F at 7pm-8pm.  For more details and to register follow this link.



A.  4 Sets 

8 x Push Presses 

45 Sec Rest 

8 x Ring Rows 

45 Sec Rest 

B.  6 Rounds 

15 x Squats 

15 x Push-ups 

15 x Russian Swings 

200M Run 


A1.  Front Squats – 5 x 1 

A2.  Ring Rows – 5 x 8 

B.  Loredo 

6 Rounds AFAP 

24 x Squats 

24 x Push-ups 

24 x Walking Lunges 

400M Run 

30 Min Cap 


A.  Every 15 Secs for 16 Sets 

2/1 x Bar Muscle-ups 

B.  Loredo 

6 Rounds AFAP 

24 x Squats 

24 x Push-ups 

24 x Walking Lunges 

400M Run 

30 Min Cap 

 Games Track 2014 

Follow this link 

-Post results under comments 

6 Responses
  1. Susan Kian

    9 or 10 Muscle ups just to keep proficient but stopped when hands felt like they might rip to save hands.

    Sport wod 28:43
    Abs with Kit and Staci

  2. Sara Jech

    A. Front Squats 135, 145, 155, 160, failed at 165
    B. 25:48
    Mostly knee push ups… I’m making a goal with myself to do push ups everyday!!!