Paleo Potluck – Starts at 12:00 pm Oct 21st at Jess and Jeremy Sutton’s house. Bring a dish to pass around (make sure it’s paleo) and get to know everyone at CFP!
A. Front Squats
Set 1 – Every 30 Seconds for 5 Reps @ 70%
-2 Min Rest
Set 2 – Every 45 Seconds for 4 Reps @ 75%
-3 Min Rest
Set 3 – Every 60 Seconds for 3 Reps @ 80%
-Each set should be completed without RE-RACKING the bar. Share and alternate racks with a partner.
20 x Pull-ups
30 x HSPU
40 x Box jumps @ 24inch/20inch
50 x Double-unders
60 x Kettlebell Swings @ 1.5 pood / 1 pood
70 x Burpees
-Post results under comments
WOD 15:29, my first time using a red band and 20in box! Tough work-out but really enjoyed it too.
Front squat- 85,90,95
Wod- 14:51
Hspu are coming along! 20 today then finished with 10 release push ups! Great class today!
8:58, great job crew!
WOD 15:15 ……….burpees
15:33 RX with step-ups
14:50, those burpees were killer.
15:13 Rx
I forgot I did 35 GTOH with the weight bag instead if DU’s.
5K row 19:56.5