Save the Date – Holiday Hoedown December 14th!!! Starts at 7pm – 10pm.

Fitness – Performance – Sport
500M Row
30 x American Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
20 x Burpees
10 x Power Snatch @ 135lb/95lb (Adv 155lb/105lb) (Fitness – Deadlifts)
40 x Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch
10 x Power Snatch
20 x Burpees
30 x American Swings
500M Row
-Post results under comments
18:30 American Swings @ 1 pd, Power Snatch @ 45#, Box Step-ups
Competitors Class at Timberwolf Crossfit
-13.5 I had 81 reps. Not too bad but I think I sabotaged myself.
Then with a partner:
-20 Bear Complex at 145
-50 foot lunge in front rack at 125
-20 snatches at 125
-50 foot lunge in front rack at 125
-20 muscle ups.
My partner and I alternated every other bear complex. Each did about 25 feet for lunges. I did 2 snatches for every 1 she did.and I did maybe 12-14 muscle ups? She wasn’t able to do them so she substituted 3 chest to bar/3 ring dips
29 something. We could have gone a little faster on the muscle ups but I think we were both smoked. I took my time on them to try and not miss any reps (but still did). Just for fun 🙂 Good workout!
A. Swings at 1 pood
All box jumps- step downs
85lb Snatches