Thursday 01302014


Pre-orders for the new CFP Team T-shirts and Tanks go out Feb 6th.  You can place your order by clicking HERE  

Do you need to work on those double-unders?  Come join us with World Champion Molly Metz for a two hour Double-under seminar to help you successfully get those Double-unders!  

Date:  Sunday, February 16 

Time:  9:30am – 11:30am  

Click HERE to Register 



A1.  Close Grip Bench Press – 3 x 10 w/30 Sec Rest

A2.  Power Swings – 3 x 10 w/2 Min Rest

B.  4 Sets

500M Row (Hard Effort)

Rest 2:30 after each set


A.  Muscle-up Skill Work

3 Sets NFT 

5 x Hollow Arch/Swings

5 x V-Sit Hip Extensions

5 x Banded Muscle-ups

5 x Ring Dips

B.  4 Sets

500M Row (Hard Effort)

Rest 2:30 after each set


A.  8 Sets 

500M Row 

Rest 2:15 after each set

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