The StrongFirst Kettlebell Course is coming to CrossFit Progression April 6th from 9:45am – 5:45pm for a 1 day seminar. No previous Kettlebell training required, this is a great opportunity to learn the fundamentals of strength training through Kettlebells!
Sign up here to register
Please like CFP’s FIT page. More info coming soon!

All Levels
A. Back Squats – 4 x 1 w/3 Min Rest
(Beginners scale up to 4 x 10)
B. 3 Sets (Recovery Pace)
10 x Russian Swings
10 x Squats
5 x Strict Pull-ups
10 x Push-ups
5 x Bar Taps
2-3 x Wall Walks
-Post results under comments
A. Back squats @ 100. I don’t know my one rep and I definitely could have gone heavier but with 14.4 tomorrow I stuck with just slightly heavier than I’m use to.
B. 8:23
Worked out on my own at Cfp strength, didn’t have much time to workout because I had dinner guests.
4 rounds back to back :
10 wb
10 dips
10 deadlift + barbell row with 45 lbs
10 box step ups
15 kb swings 1 pood
A. 160# (5#PR!)
B. Forgot to look at the time….oops. It was under 10 min. Did my first wall walks….definitely didn’t get completely vertical but was glad I tried them. I hate being upside down!
Travel WOD
Walked for 8 min as warm up
EMOM Started with 30 second planks and 5 strict push ups * 15 rounds
Then did 40 air squats
30 sit ups
20 dumbbell presses
5 rounds– did not keep track of time.
I did 4×8 back squats to a box. I did 95#, 125#, 155#, 185#, and 205#.
Used a green kettle and a black band.