Fitness – Performance
A. 15 Mins of Pull-up Progression
B1. Strict Press – 3 x 10
B2. Bent Rows – 3 x 10
B3. Bulgarian Split Squats – 3 x 20 (R/L)
B4. Banded Good Mornings – 3 x 20
C. Death by 10M
1st Min <-> 1
2nd Min <-> 2
3rd Min <-> 3
10 Min Cap
A. 5K Recovery
B. Mobility
-Post results under comments
A1- 1 strict, and a few kipping, then did 3×5 partner assisted strict
B3- done with no weight and 5 pounds- lye
B4- done with blue band
C- 9 rounds +7.5 on the 10th round – good stuff
13.5 work
Craft time with JG!!!
A : done
B : done w/ 95#
WOD : 9 rounds + 8 on 10th minute