-The new CFP location is close to complete which means MORE space is soon to come! With more space, comes the opportunity to begin growing our community once again. We encourage you to begin inviting friends, family and anyone else to join the fun. For those interested, call [ 507-884-9370 ] or email [ [email protected] ] to set-up a free intro session.
-July 13th – Olympic Lifting Seminar starting at 12 pm – 4 pm
-July 20th – CFP will be having another PR Challenge start at 12 pm – 2 pm

Fitness – Performance
A. Establish a 1 rep max Bench
B. Annie
50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10
Double-unders (3:1)
Sit-ups (unanchored)
A. 45 Min Row @ Recovery Pace
B. Mobility
-Post results under comments
45 minute stationary bike@home
Bench 190 20lbs pr
Annie 5:30 with 2 missed DUs. This is only 9 sec off my best time, which was with anchored feet and no misses, so very happy. I love Annie
At fire station
CFP strength
Annie: 5:46 (30 sec pr)
Finally got sub 6:00! Du’s felt slow, missed once during round of 40.
At the fire house;
I see a pattern forming.
Haven’t worked much at it but still managed a bench PR @ 230 a 5# increase.
WOD – 8:30, I need to get DU’s so I can drop that time.
A. 245# bench. Few months ago I had trouble benching over 200. Now I’m benching over my bodyweight. Another huge improvement. Been a good week so far!
B. Haven’t done Annie before so no comparison. Did 8:10 with 3:1 singles (no double unders yet).
A. 235lb
B. 10:34. I tried double unders before class and was actually able to get a couple for the first time. But I did singles for the WOD
@ fire house
15# bench PR: 170
Annie 9:03 (singles)
85# PR
Bench press 95# (This is the first time I’ve found my max at CFP. I think it’s funny that in college I used to warm up at this weight!)
Annie Rx 11:19
A) CFP strength
B)45min row
89002m good change of pace
Goal was 100# bench press, and I got 130, a 35# PR. Felt strong with all the 10s on the bar 🙂
Annie–8:57 Singles. Not my favorite workout.
90# PR bench
9:10 Annie, singles
195#PR bench
Annie: 9:23, double unders
A: 135 (5# pr from last weeks bench, previous before that was 115#)
B: 8:08 rx (can’t recall old Annie time, will look up) Dubs were on for once, situps were off… 🙁
then did oly 530 class.
A. 75 pr
B. 10:34 lunges instead of du’s
90# bench – PR by a lot!
Annie 9:10 singles
A.) 305# Bench Press. Got 315 about 3/4ths of the way. Happy with 305.
B.) Annie was really slow. Stomach started cramping….also, did singles. Lots to work on.
New to doing bench- got #115!
Did ok on Annie-8:26. Have to get DU!!
A. 245# – Crossfit PR. That ties my PR for back squat, which probably means something is probably wrong with my back squat…
B. 10:02, singles
A. 90# bench… 5# pr… ill take it
B. 6:37 Annie… missed one double under. I love DU’s but despise situps… I just cant seem to get any faster!!
A. 205 not even close to a PR
B. 7:04- first time doing this workout with all dubs, I don’t know why I am capable of such feats all of a sudden
A.) 185. Haven’t benched since college, so it was definitely a PR. Just not sure how many pounds.
B.) 11:39, first would RX’d with DU. Got 25 in row on first set and wasn’t sure what was happening, but went with it.