The Truth about Grains! Why They Make You Sick?
In the past I used to write a lot about grains- why the best thing you could do for your health, is quit eating them and how in reality everything that you hear on a daily basis about “the health benefits” of eating grains is totally wrong.
Lately, I receive a lot of messages from people, who tell me how I am wrong about grains. Obviously all of them have one favorite argument- “how people have survived for thousand years, eating mainly grains”; “how my grandma or my great grandma ate mainly grain products, but they are healthier, than people nowadays and so forth.”
And tell you the truth, you are right- about the fact that my grandma and my great grandma ate grains and they are still healthy. Actually, my great grandma was 90 years old, when she used to do a couple sets of push-ups on the window parapet, every single morning. And she definitely loved eating grains and bread…… Read the entire article here.
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Regular price of the Challenge $49
Early registration price $44
Player discount applies to both regular and early registration price

A. 4 Sets NFT
3/3 x TGU
10/10 x Weighted Lunges
1 Min Plank Hold
B. 800m Sled Push High Handles w/Partner
Alternate as needed
A. 4 Sets NFT
3/3 x TGU
10 x Kettlebell Front Rack Squats
2 Second Pause on the bottom for each squat
1 Min Plank hold
B. 1600M Sled PUsh High Handles w/Partner
Alternate as needed
A. 10K Row
B. Mobility
-Post results under comments
225 deadlift
6 rounds snatch @ 95lbs
Thank you for linking to my article! I greatly appreciate it! 🙂
You have great stuff!
Sled pushes with Paul
A. Done – KB squats harder than I thought.
B. Sled pushes w/ Patrick – 2000m (Matt told us we needed an extra round)
Strength training