A. 15 Minutes of Pull-up/Muscle-up practice
B1. Push Press – 3 x 5 w/30 Sec Rest
B2. Reverse Hyper or Back Extensions – 3 x 12 w/30 Sec Rest
B3. Bulgarian Split Squats – 3 x 12 (6R/6L) w/30 Sec Rest
B4. Rope Climbs – 3 x 1 Min ME w/30 Sec Rest
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Came within a few inches of an unassisted pullup 🙂 Push press 65lbs, weighted split squats, climbed my first rope, 2.5 times! 🙂
still haven’t conquered the muscle up. It seems my weight is leaning back when it needs to be going forward. Everything else as planned
That’s my guy! (John C doing pull-ups! : )
I love Thursdays!!
Done- great 10am class!
My first Thursday//circuit type workout. Liked the change. Appreciated time to work on pull-ups and get tips from coaches and others.
Thursday Strength Workouts are great! 🙂