Only went about 70% today; fatigued and unmotivated. Needed a rest day, etc. Whine, whine, whine.
Jim Sorum
19:03 @95lbs was doing fine until those damn thrusters
17:18- good to be able to lift something – even if it was only 35#, and to be able to hang from the bar for toes to bar! Great 10 min cool down jog with Kessa and Melissa afterwards! Great way to start the day!
17:36 @ 65. My legs felt like cement going from thrusters to box jumps! I like longer WODs like this one.
Either 23min or 18min. Stacy told me my time as I finished and I don’t know if she subtracted the 5min staggered start or not. I was too busy testing the comfort level of the floor. Started rx had to scale at the end.
kristy s
Wod-16:55 step ups for my awesome shin splints thrusters @ 65#
20:36 Rx ….just happy that my wrist held up doing those thrusters.
Cally Vinz
17:45 (10 successful T2B the rest was scaled). Worked on my form with thrusters and finished every one with a deep squat.
20:5x Rx.
Only went about 70% today; fatigued and unmotivated. Needed a rest day, etc. Whine, whine, whine.
19:03 @95lbs was doing fine until those damn thrusters
17:18- good to be able to lift something – even if it was only 35#, and to be able to hang from the bar for toes to bar! Great 10 min cool down jog with Kessa and Melissa afterwards! Great way to start the day!
I’m baack! 18:51@80#(lying leg raises)
17:36 @ 65. My legs felt like cement going from thrusters to box jumps! I like longer WODs like this one.
Either 23min or 18min. Stacy told me my time as I finished and I don’t know if she subtracted the 5min staggered start or not. I was too busy testing the comfort level of the floor. Started rx had to scale at the end.
Wod-16:55 step ups for my awesome shin splints thrusters @ 65#
20:36 Rx ….just happy that my wrist held up doing those thrusters.
17:45 (10 successful T2B the rest was scaled). Worked on my form with thrusters and finished every one with a deep squat.
17:23 @65lb. Did knees to elbow then leg raise in the end. My shirt was soaking wet.
Oops! I lied, I had to do step-ups (that’s ad close to RX as I get).
run, leg raises, back sq @ 115#, box jumps, back sq, leg raises…
legs were rubber, very hard to drive home!!!
15:38 modified: Sit-ups for T2B, 45# Thrusters (15 each set), and step-ups
14:38 scaled
15:15, @ 55#, 16″ box and toes to rings.
WOD 14:39 with 55lb thrusters and leg raises. Need to work on T2B.
This cold is kicking my butt, but I made it.
Felt terrible!
Unrelenting gluteus medius cramp shut me down after ten thrusters .. . did mobility for remainder of hour out of necessity.
16:45 scaled to 95lbs, knees to elbows, step ups……sore legs today and yesterday….good workouts this week….ready for a rest day 🙂