Tuesday 10232012

A very happy Dave

A.  High Bar Back Squats – 5 x 3 @ 70%-75% w/2 Min Rest (Advance:  1X5 @ 80%, 2X3 @ 85%, 3X1 @ 90%, 1X1 @ 95%) 

B.  5 Rounds For Max Reps with a Running Clock 

30 Seconds – Walking Lunges (1R/1L=1 rep) 

30 Seconds – Pull-ups 

30 Seconds – Lateral Burpee Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch 

1:30 Rest 

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16 Responses
  1. Nate

    How come my hamstrings hurt after doing squats? Must be doing them right for once!

    WOD: 207 Rx. Thanks Lauren for the push.

  2. Back Squat 335, 335, 335, 335, 355
    WOD: 119 I think. Did all my pull-ups (except for 3 without a band at all. That’s a first for me. Score might have improved with a band.

  3. jen

    kb class- good to be able to clean with my right arm again- elbow is starting to feel better, but a little weaker, and a little tender, so still need to take it slow, but Hooray!! 5rds: double bell swingsx8, double bell DL x8, 5 double bell front squats – done with pink kbs. 10 min/on the minute: 5 double bell cleans, 1 double bell thruster- done with green bells. First time putting weight over my head since the whole elbow thing. Feels good.

  4. Tammy

    I am missing my CFP peeps and the workouts. It’s race week for me so I am doing short runs until my 10k on Saturday. Back at it next week after I return from a conference. Keep up the good work!!