A. Take 15 minutes to practice Ring Dips, Muscle-ups, Ring HSPU
B1. Push Press (Behind the neck) – 3 x 5 w/30 Sec Rest
B2. Strict Pull-ups – 3 x ME w/30 Sec Rest
B3. Ring dips – 3 x ME w/30 Sec Rest
B4. Power Swings (Heavy) – 3 x 10 w/30 Sec Rest
C. Recovery WOD
5 Rounds Not for time
3/3 x TGU
10 x Power Swings (Medium)
300M Row @ 65%
-Post results under comments
Good day today. Enjoy practicing these movements!
I like the time to practice the skills I haven’t learned yet. Played a bit with that new big kettlebell . . .
Deadlifts, light push press, 2k row (7:27), and 5 minutes of abs.
6X375m row w/1:00 rest: 1:16,1:18,1:18,1:19,1:20,1:23
This hurt way more than I expected
A. Got 2 unassisted ring dips!!!
B. double KB snatch with 1 pood
Behind neck push press @ 85#
A. I decided that I need to do more work on my abs to help with posture on these mvmts.
B. At first I thought, “This isn’t going to be much of a workout…” but halfway through I was breathing hard and by the end had worked up a sweat.
Great evening of Oly Lift.
Kb class- got a heavier TGU on right side- pink bell!