Save the Date – Holiday Hoedown December 14th!!! Starts at 7pm – 10pm.

Fitness – Performance – Sport
A. 5 Rounds @ 70%-80%
300m Row (Keep the SPM at 25 – 35)
3 x Wallwalks
10 x Bar Taps
20 x Russian Swings
Note: 70%-80% effort means hard but not maximal effort. Focus on the following:
- Proper rowing mechanics (Fluid Strong Pulls, Shoulders Packed Back, Pulling vs Pushing..Pulling is always stronger…E.g.. Deadlift vs Back Squat)
- Correct Handstand positioning (Head neutral, active shoulders, correct T-spine and Lumbar curve)
- Bar Taps (Midline stabilization..aka Hollow Rocks, active shoulders and control)
- Russian Swings (Hinge vs Squat pattern, packed vs unpacked shoulders, Finish position)
-Post results under comments
Front Squat: 6×3 – 135-145-155-165-175-185-195(x1 10#PR)-200(x1 15#PR)-205(Failed x2)
Bike 30 minutes