A1. Back Squats – 4 x 6
A2. Pull-overs – 1 x 20
15 – 12 – 9
2 Min Rest
-Repeat for a total of 3 cycles
A1. Back Squats – 4 x 5
A2. Pull-overs – 1 x 20
100 x Double-under buy in
21 – 15 – 9
Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
3 Min Rest
15 – 12 – 9
2 Min Rest
12 – 9 – 6
100 x Double-under buy out
A1. Back Squats – 5 x 3
A2. Strict Chin-ups – 5 x 8-10 or Muscle-ups – 5 x 3
100 x Double-under buy in
21 – 15 – 9
American Swings @ 2 pood /1.5 pood
3 Min Rest
15 – 12 – 9
American Swings
12 – 9 – 6
American Swings
100 x Double-under buy out
Optional Accessory
EMOM – 20 Mins
Even Min – 10 x T2B
Odd Min – 2 x Rope Climbs
-Post results under comments
A. BS @ 125-145-155-165-175
B. 20 min cap with 202 reps (8 unassisted dips, rest with red band). Am. KBS @ 1.5
100 abmat sit-ups with 10# wallball
A : 4X5 B.S. up to 165#
B: 15:38 minus DU buy out, American swings @ 1 pood.
A. BS- 135 x 5
B. 20 min cap, didn’t hit my last 6 dips (finished them after class), American KBS @ 55lbs
I did hit 4 DU in a row tho 🙂 And I got a new jump rope, so it’s time to get these damn things down!!!!!!!!
A. , 135, 155, 165, 175
B. I don’t have DUs. So I tried several attempts for buy in And buy out. Yuck. Strict push ups work…. And 1 pood American swings. Technically did not complete the WOD.
A. 95-115-125-135
B. 16:34
A. 135,185,225,275
B. 20:00 zero dubs
A. 135 – 185 – 225 – 225
B. Sport – Capped at 20 mins with 6 reps to go on the last round & the 100 DU buy out.
18:38, I could barely finish!!
BS 95/115/125/135
Double under practice, got about 10 per 2 min practice time
Oly class, working on getting under the wt and moving my feet…
75 double unders…Sport with strict dips instead of ring dips, not enough rings…didn’t quite finish….on 12-9-6 only got 19 reps.
A. 125-145-145-165# – Knees a little sore from yesterdays WOD
B. 21:30 – Got the buy in and buy out dubs!!! Pushups are still my killer.
A. BS @ 125-145-155-165-175
early afternoon WOD: 7 min row (1636m), with tire upright 25 overhead strikes with right hand and 25 with left hand 25 side strikes with right hand and 25 with left hand, 7 min row (1606m) 30 sledgehammer burpees alternating hand on the strikes, 30 sledgehammer box jumps 24″
A. 135,185,195,205
B. 15:59 American swings & pushups. I love these types of WODs
Loved the 2 min dub under challenge during warmup, Matt. Lets do more of that.
A: 135, 185 for the rest.
B: performance, 18:27 with ring dips.