Kids Class at 6;30 pm Tonight!

A. Power Clean & Push Jerk – 5 x 3 w/3 Min Rest
B. 12 Min AMRAP
1 x Ground to Overhead @ 155lb/105lb
1 x T2B
2 x Ground to Overhead
2 x T2B
3 x Ground to Overhead
3 x T2B
…….Continue till the time expires
C. 3 Sets NFT
15 x Floor wipers @ 45lb/35lb
15 x Good Mornings @ 45lb/35lb
-Post results under comments
WOD: 9+6 @ 135#
165lbs power clean 155lbs push jerk
9+5 @ 115
floor wipers were the worst part of the workout
Power Cleans: 45/65/75/80/80
Push Jerk: 45/55/60/60/60
I might have skipped the 8s…
C&J @ 165
WOD : 8+7 @ 135#
Power clean/ Push jerk-95, 115, 135
8 rounds + 4 with 135lbs and toes thru rings
8 + 5 rx
Then oly class: snatch pr @115#, failed 2 x @120#
KB class- went heavier on the TGU and snatches. Good stuff
8+2 Rx