FS: 65/85/95/105(2)/100
WOD: 22:00. 2 @ 45, 3 @ 35, green band
FS: 135, 185, 205 ,225, 225
WOD: 15:31 Rx
18:57 Rx. Beat my goal time by over a minute!
You know it’s a good workout when you’re begging for a movement to end but then you’re looking forward to it again by the end of every round.
Jim Sorum
18:46 @ 65lbs since I can’t add, thought it was 75lbs. May come in this afternoon and do it right
19:41 @35 green band
Olympic lifting
Oly Lifting:
Snatch 4×2 (105-105-110-115) 120(x1 5#PR)
125-failed, but got under it and overhead, just didn’t get it stood up!! Grrrrrr!!!
Hang Clean 3×2 (125-135-145) 150(x1, 10# PR)
FS: 5×3: 95, 105, 115, 125, 135
wod: 23:26 rx
damn hands (grip) hurts from yesterday still, hammys are tight too from yesterday (apparently tues beat me up some…)
Jess L
FS 85/95/105/105/115
WOD 24:09….55lb thrusters, rowing and pull ups with red band, did first round without a band. That was a killer workout!!!
Jen Brickley
OMG. Front squats: 65/85/105/110/110
WOD:21:46 35lbs, green band
Mike S
FS x 3: 95,105,115,125,135- felt great! Got nice and low
BS x 20: 140- felt just OK
WOD @ 65,jumping PU= 24:38- felt SO tired, sore, slow and out of shape!
very wiped out afterwards
I have been very tight and sore in hips and lower back/obliques for the last 3 days (from CF total?) Felt much better tonight though.
John Colbert
FS : 135 max
WOD : 22:14 @ 55 lg and blue band assist pull-ups.
FS : 175#
WOD: 25:48 Rx
WOD 24:?? with 65# and jumping pull ups. Still need to get my rythem and technique for the pull ups. My runs were a lot slower than usual. Felt like my legs were gone from the start. Maybe from maxing out on Mon?
FS: 65/85/95/105(2)/100
WOD: 22:00. 2 @ 45, 3 @ 35, green band
FS: 135, 185, 205 ,225, 225
WOD: 15:31 Rx
18:57 Rx. Beat my goal time by over a minute!
You know it’s a good workout when you’re begging for a movement to end but then you’re looking forward to it again by the end of every round.
18:46 @ 65lbs since I can’t add, thought it was 75lbs. May come in this afternoon and do it right
19:41 @35 green band
Olympic lifting
Oly Lifting:
Snatch 4×2 (105-105-110-115) 120(x1 5#PR)
125-failed, but got under it and overhead, just didn’t get it stood up!! Grrrrrr!!!
Hang Clean 3×2 (125-135-145) 150(x1, 10# PR)
FS: 5×3 (85-125-135-135-135)
15 thrusters 55#
400m row
15 Russian KB swings @ 1.5
FS: 5×3: 95, 105, 115, 125, 135
wod: 23:26 rx
damn hands (grip) hurts from yesterday still, hammys are tight too from yesterday (apparently tues beat me up some…)
FS 85/95/105/105/115
WOD 24:09….55lb thrusters, rowing and pull ups with red band, did first round without a band. That was a killer workout!!!
OMG. Front squats: 65/85/105/110/110
WOD:21:46 35lbs, green band
FS x 3: 95,105,115,125,135- felt great! Got nice and low
BS x 20: 140- felt just OK
WOD @ 65,jumping PU= 24:38- felt SO tired, sore, slow and out of shape!
very wiped out afterwards
I have been very tight and sore in hips and lower back/obliques for the last 3 days (from CF total?) Felt much better tonight though.
FS : 135 max
WOD : 22:14 @ 55 lg and blue band assist pull-ups.
FS : 175#
WOD: 25:48 Rx
WOD 24:?? with 65# and jumping pull ups. Still need to get my rythem and technique for the pull ups. My runs were a lot slower than usual. Felt like my legs were gone from the start. Maybe from maxing out on Mon?