A. Push Jerk + Split Jerk – 3 x 1 W/90 Sec Rest
B. For time:
500M Row
15 x Swings @ 1.5 pood / 1 pood
30 x DU
4 – Min Rest
C. For time:
1000M Row
30 x Swings @ 1.5 pood / 1 pood
60 x DU
4- Min Rest
D. For time:
1500M Row
50 x Swings @ 1.5 pood / 1 pood
100 x DU
-Post results under comments
Jerk: Hit 215 (tied PR), missed 220.
WOD: 25:36 Rx. (Russian swings)
finished right at 30 minutes flat (single unders)
6:00 of 100m sprints on the :30 sec, rest 3:00, 4:00 of 100m sprints on the :30 sec, rest 2:00, 2:00 100m sprints on the :30sec
KB presses.
Wod 29:54 Rx’d
WOD: 29:28 (singles — now that’s alot of jump roping!) This was a good one! I enjoyed it.
Push & Split Jerk @ 135#
WOD: 26:59 (Russian Swing)
PJ/ SJ: 135, 145, 150 (screwed my my math initially, but PR for push press).
wod: 29:04 rx (had to try to beat my rabbit on the rower JG!!,but he beat me each time!!)
then rode 15mi on bike,
then did Oly class, failed 3x on 115 snatch
kb class – 1. 3x 6 r/l halos, 10 squats, 10 downward dog hip stretches. 2. 3x 5r/l one arm swing, 5 r/l high pull, 5 r/l snatch – pink/green bell 3. 5 min snatch test- green bell 10 kg – 100 snatchs!! 4. 2x 1 min plank and 40 flutter kicks
WOD: 26:28 (20# ball slams 10-20-30 instead of DU’s).
Oly class, failed 125#, maybe next time!