Fitness – Performance
A. Take 20 Minutes to Establish a 1 rep max Back Squat
B. Every 2 Mins for 20 Mins
200M Row/Run
800M Run
50 x Thrusters @ 115lb/85lb
40 x Pull-ups
30 x HSPU
20 x Box jumps @ 30inch/24inch
10 x Power Snatches @ 115lb/85lb
10 Min Rest
B. 5 Rounds
400M Run
1 Min Rest
-Post results under comments
So 165 lbs snatch PR which is a big deal really…..practice, practice, practice….goal 200 lbs….before december? ambition? and then 11.4 beat me with a baseball bat….those OHS are terrible. I was able to muster 1 measly muscle on the last 10 seconds once done with them…and time up….boooo…..
Early class so i can go to volleyball playoffs and gymnastics.
Wod 23:05 good workout.
400 meter jogs with walking in between at end.
Back Squat: 125
Wod: row 46-49 sec each. Good times
A: 235, wasn’t feeling it today
B: fastest 29, slowest 33 w/ turnaround.
155# back squat PR, 40-45 sec sprints
Sport 19:48 Rx. Super tough, but felt I did pretty well.
then GHD holds 20 seconds on 10 seconds off 4 rounds. x2
Practiced double unders. Did 370 then I ran out of time. Had 21 in a row at one point woo hoo! I didn’t get completely frustrated with them today so I would call it a success. 🙂
215# Back Squat 15#PR
Sprints between 31 and 34 secs
Strength WOD
A. BS: failed @ 210#- frustrating! Not feelin’ it today and definitely need to start squatting more!!!
B. 24:03- brutal! No one should do this WOD alone. Thanks for all those who cheered me on and counted my reps!!! Sorry for all the burping, I honestly thought I might throw up!! 🙁
A. 130# Back Squat. I don’t think I’ve tested BS max before so let’s call this a PR.
B. Been having trouble breathing at rest so running was interesting! Felt okay, though. Legs tired from back squats.
A. 295#
B. 23-27. Hooray for sprint WODs. Thanks Matt for the push and the coconut water afterwards.
A: back squat : 210#, 5# pr
A. Back Squat 190lbs…… 5lb PR……….. Frustrated with myself for not squatting more… So from here on out, I will be squatting more!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B. Rowed- All rounds between 44-49 seconds!!
A. Back squat – 140, 5# PR
B. Would have preferred to row, but know I need to get faster at running. All were b/w 52 and 57 seconds. I hate running. This workout looked a lot easier in writing. It was so simple…you can run anywhere/anytime, but I know if I would have started to do this workout alone I would have never finished.
A. Back squat – 140, 5# PR
B. Would have preferred to row, but know I need to get faster at running. All were b/w 52 and 57 seconds. I hate running. This workout looked a lot easier in writing. It was so simple…you can run anywhere/anytime, but I know if I would have started to do this workout alone I would have quit after about 4 runs.
245# back squat. Tied previous PR almost got stuck at the bottom. Thanks for the cheers!!
Running. Yuck. Kept time between 47-51 sec each round. Know it’s something I need to work in so it’s good it was in a workout.
A. 190# 5# pr.
B. ugh sprints….. Worsened my bad mood.
1.) 265, haven’t squatted a lot lately, and it showed in today’s attempt at a PR. Fell 20# shy of matching.
2.) sprints felt great with the exception of the last 3. Had one 29 second sprint, rest were around 30-33.
Back squat-215 (15#PR)!
Ran-times ranged41-44. Still don’t enjoy the running but told myself it is good for me:)
150# BS….attempted 155# and failed.
Runs 42-46 sec
A. 155# BS PR by 20#…need to squat more.
B. Liked that one. Wasn’t excited about sprinting, but felt good afterwards.
A. 335#. 10# PR for me. Probably could have gone higher, maybe another 10, but I ran outta time before the runs.
B. Runs killed. Kinda tweaked something in my foot, in a little pain today. It’s not used to absorbing 235lbs. Running is definitely something I need to do more.