A. High Bar Back Squats – 5 x 3 @ 70%-75% w/2 Min Rest (Advance: 1X5 @ 80%, 2X3 @ 85%, 3X1 @ 90%, 1X1 @ 95%)
B. 5 Rounds For Max Reps with a Running Clock
30 Seconds – Walking Lunges (1R/1L=1 rep)
30 Seconds – Pull-ups
30 Seconds – Lateral Burpee Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch
1:30 Rest
-Post results under comments
Box squat-225,235,275,295, 315
WOD: 201 rx
How come my hamstrings hurt after doing squats? Must be doing them right for once!
WOD: 207 Rx. Thanks Lauren for the push.
6X4:00 row w/3:00: 984,996,997,994,1001,981m
165 3 rep max, WOD 201rx (after figuring out how to count, thanks Nathan!) 🙂
Figured out my back squat 1 rep max… Squatted 175# then dropped it on my head for the 2nd rep 🙂
WOD: 232, loved this one!
A @ 225
B 150 with Red Band
Back Squat 95,125,145,150,150
WOD- 151 RX
BS: 135
WOD: 155 (burpee step-over BJ)
WOD- 145 RX
BS: 225
WOD: 168 rx
BS 135
WOD 183
BS : 135# 3 rep max.
WOD : 163, 20″ box
Back Squat 335, 335, 335, 335, 355
WOD: 119 I think. Did all my pull-ups (except for 3 without a band at all. That’s a first for me. Score might have improved with a band.
kb class- good to be able to clean with my right arm again- elbow is starting to feel better, but a little weaker, and a little tender, so still need to take it slow, but Hooray!! 5rds: double bell swingsx8, double bell DL x8, 5 double bell front squats – done with pink kbs. 10 min/on the minute: 5 double bell cleans, 1 double bell thruster- done with green bells. First time putting weight over my head since the whole elbow thing. Feels good.
Holy Cow Malachi!! Great numbers on the squats… Jen, keep it up it’s great to see you again!
I am missing my CFP peeps and the workouts. It’s race week for me so I am doing short runs until my 10k on Saturday. Back at it next week after I return from a conference. Keep up the good work!!