- 10% OFF!!! For the month of November all SFH Fish Oil is 10% off. Our next pre-order will be going out November 25th!
- CFP will be closed Thanksgiving Day!!
- Save the Date! The next Family Friends Day is December 4th for all classes!

A. Back Squats – 6 – 5 – 4, 6 – 5 – 4 w/2 Min Rest
B. EMOM – 12 Mins
1st Min – 30 Sec Meter Row
2nd Min – 20 Sec Handstand Hold or 10 x CG Push-ups
3rd Min – 8 – 10 x Box Jumps w/Step down
A. Back Squats – 1 – 6 – 1 – 6 – 1 – 6 w/2 – 3 Min Rest
B. EMOM – 12 Mins
1st Min – 30 Sec Meter Row
2nd Min – 5 – 10 x HSPU or 10 x CG Push-ups
3rd Min – 8 – 10 x Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch w/Step down
A. Back Squats – 1 – 6 – 1 – 6 – 1 – 6 w/2 – 3 Min Rest
B. EMOM – 12 Mins
1st Min – 40 Sec Meter Row
2nd Min – 8 – 10 x HSPU
3rd Min – 8 – 10 x Box Jumps @ 30inch/24inch w/Step down
-Post results under comments
A. Fitness: BS’s…110; 115 (PR!); 120 (PR!); 125 (PR!);130 (PR!) 🙂
B. strict pull-ups (John helped me)
C. Performance (scaled): OHS with pvc pipe (training bars were all being used); 25 sit-ups per round instead of jump-roping, 20 bar taps, 10 knees to elbows.
Something shifted in me tonight. I realized, maybe I can do more than I thought I could do! I never thought I could do a 130# deadlift (it was alot harder doing 3 than 1 max effort. Who knows how far I could go?! 🙂 I’m wondering what other stuff I can do that I didn’t think I could do?! Now don’t expect me to get reckless and crazy, but I feel like I want to try and see what this 59 year old body can do! Little by little. I am excited ! Yay!
A. 225 – 185, 235 – 195, 255 – 205
B. 726m
A. Performance
195 (10lb PR) – 155
Failed at 200, Did 195 again – 165
195 – 4 x 175… Failed on my 5th rep
B. 640 total Meters
Tried HSPUs and just weren’t happening today… Did 10 CG push ups – all from my toes 🙂
10 – 20 inch box jumps….. First couple rounds I couldn’t get my legs to work right so I did step downs… last two rounds I did bound jumps
1 minute plank
A. 200-175 (felt pretty easy so increased the next 2 sets by a larger amount than I originally planned), 225-195, 245 (15lb PR)-215 (for 4 reps). These felt really good today!
B. Total of 767m. Did 8 HSPU first round and 10 the other three (round 3 and 4 UB) actually felt really good despite my shoulder hurting. Box jumps did 10 each round at 24 inches. (Matt had 10am-ers do max effort box jumps on the last round-I had 23).
Worked on iron scaps a bit and mobility for my shoulder.
A. 205-185-215-195-225×1(5#PR)-235×1(15#PR). Felt good, so went for a 1 RM. 30# increase in BS in 1 week!!!
B. Meters: 805
HSPU: 10-10-10-7
BJ: 10-10-10-26
100 various ab mat sit-ups
A. 170-160-180-170-205(5# PR!)-175
B. 140-145-150-145–580m…maybe could have pushed a little more??
HSPU– 5-5-5-5 all kipping!! YEAH!
20″ box jumps 10 each round.
planks and hollow position with Jerome.
A. Lost count of the weight. Ended at 6 reps at 175 and 1 rep at 225. No PR, but it felt good. Can’t wait until we do one rep maxs next.
B. Total row. 620 Like the short, sprint rows. 10 push ups each round. And 10-16″ box jumps each round to work on my speed. Like these workouts with a short breather in between.
A. 205-185(6)-215-175(6)215 235. I have not ever maxed out my back squat…once I did 190×3 and that is the heaviest I have tried. So I guess it’s a PR for 235, I was trying not to strain so I think I could have done more but I stopped for safety.
B. Meters: ? No clue
HSPU: 8, 8,8,9
BOx jumps- not sure on numbers since I was doing step ups so they were easier so I did a couple more each time.
A few dips