Tuesday 12102013


Save the Date – Holiday Hoedown December 14th!!!   Starts at 7pm – 10pm.

6:30 pm class
6:30 pm class


A1.  Back Squat – 7 – 5 – 3, 7 – 5 – 3 w/2 Min Rest

A2.  Weighted Pull-ups x 5 (Superset w/ Squats)

B.  4 Rounds AFAP 

20 x Wallballs 

20 x Russian Swings 

2 Min Rest 


A1.  Back Squat – 7 – 5 – 3, 7 – 5 – 3 w/2 Min Rest

A2.  Weighted Pull-ups x 5 (Superset w/ Squats)

B.  4 Rounds AFAP 

25 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb 

15 x Pull-ups 

2 Min Rest 


A1.  Back Squat – 7 – 5 – 3, 7 – 5 – 3 w/2 Min Rest

A2.  Weighted Pull-ups x 5 (Superset w/ Squats)

B.  4 Rounds AFAP 

30 x UB Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb 

25 x Pull-ups 

2 Min Rest 

-Post results under comments  


9 Responses
  1. David Muscarella

    A. 2x2x245, 2x2x250, 1x2x265pr
    B. 8:58
    Shoulder was quite sore that evening, but better today.

  2. Crysta P

    A1. 67-75-85-85-95-105 (heaviest I have gone on back squats since knee surgery – and it felt good – yay!)
    A2. Ring rows
    B. 11:25 – Wallballs @ 10lb, Russian Swings @ 1pood

  3. Nicole Chovan

    A1. 185/205/235 then 205/235/255 (PR!)
    A2. These were rough…did 3 singles with 10kg, 2 singles with 8 kg. then 4 singles with 8kg. then 3 with 5lbs and 2 singles…Something to work on. I skipped PU between the second wave because I was holding people up! Oops!
    B. 14:40 -Pullups broken up first 3 rounds were consistent with pull-ups. 4th was a little rough but good workout.

    Then mobility and Iron Scaps.

  4. Staci Vinz

    A. 185-195-205, 195-210-225(x1)
    B. 16:36 Rx
    definitely having an “off” training day today, but it’s days like today that make me refocus on my training and hit it hard the next day. Not everyday can feel good, or can I get a PR. I know that even if I’m not feeling it that making myself do the WOD will still benefit me more than doing nothing.

  5. Sara J

    A. 125, 155, 175………135, 175, 200×1 (PR), 195×1.. felt good on these…..looking forward to next week

    B. 13:44- 25 UB wall balls @ 14lb, 15 pull ups. …
    felt good tonight. ……

  6. Susan Kian

    A. 155-175-185-155-175-195…really starting to decrease my weight this week…did pull-ups alternating with chinups strict in between.
    B. about 18 min Rx. Wall balls were all UB except last round because I stopped at 18 because I went past time cap and I thought Matt was gonna have us move to another area..restarted right away. Pull-ups were a little rough today in the end but they were done. As Matt pointed out I am taking too big of swings for each pull-up and probably wasting a lot of energy…I will try to improve it. I actually felt like complete crap today…but whatever…I will pat myself on the back for muddling through it. #pregnancyisthemostannoyingblessing