CFP will be closed December 24th, 25th, and January 1st. We will also be having a skeleton schedule starting December 23rd through the New Years. Please check the schedule for all the updates!
SAVE THE DATE!!! Please join us for the official CFP Grand Opening Celebration on Saturday January 4th starting at 12 pm – 4 pm. There will be catering from Johnny Mango, Meat Raffle to raise money for the Boys and Girls Club, and guest speakers and games throughout the festivities. Friends and family are welcome, we look forward to seeing all of you there!

Fitness – Performance
A. Back Squats – 3-2-1, 3-2-1, 3-2-1 w/2-3 Min Rest
B. 5 Sets
60 Sec Period
5 x Strict Pull-ups
AMRAP Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb
1 Min Rest
A. Back Squats – 3-2-1, 3-2-1, 3-2-1 w/2-3 Min Rest
B. 5 Sets
60 Sec Period
3 x Ring Muscle-ups
AMRAP Wallballs@ 25lb/16lb
1 Min Rest
-Post results under comments
A. 205-215-225, 225-235-245, 235-255-275 then a 1RM of 315!
B. 23-19-17-16-16 with 16# and wide green band.
Love backsquat Tuesdays!
A. —>235, —–>255, ——>275
B. 112
A. 315, 335, 365 ……. 335, 365, 385…… 385, 405, 425
B. 23, 24, 25, 26, 28 on Wallballs….Went too slow on the pull-ups at the beginning and got a little tangled up in my band on one…Should have been getting around 27 or 28 every time.
A. 200-215-225
225-245 (failed on 2nd rep)-265 (failed) couldn’t get out of the hole!
They didn’t feel near as strong as they did last week. Felt a little light headed but have no idea what that was about! I ate breakfast and was breathing!
B. Better than anticipated!
-3UB-23 UB
-2UB (failed 3)-20 UB
-1 (failed 2 and 3)- 16
The muscle ups are getting more consistent. Wallballs were tough!
Practiced my clean and snatch at 55lbs. Need to focus on staying back on heels and pushing knees out. Thanks for the help Juli!
Hard time warming up into this. Glad it was only 3 reps at most
Thin green band. Like working on strict pull ups!! 102 total wall balls 14#
A. 105, 125, 155…….125, 155, 175…….155, 175, 205…..155, 175, 210 (10lb PR)
LOVED that we had some time to squat.. some days I feel rushed to get all the reps in..
24, 25, 24, 23, 27 = 123
red band pull ups – all pull ups tonight (no chin ups)
185 195 205. 195 200 205. 195 205 210. Felt pretty comfortable. Didn’t have to strain.
Didn’t keep track of reps on this wod…. just kept moving. pull-ups and 16lb wall ball. I did a muscle up after the workout. 23 weeks down 18lb up and I can still manage 🙂
95-105-115, 105- 115-120, 115-125-135
thick blue band, and then switched to thin blue band
20, 20, 19, 20, 21 (12#)
like the chance to work on form for back squat, I had time to focus.
By the way Matt, I practiced double unders….tuck jumps were the trick.
Used the home gym and squatted to 185. Afraid woulda fell and busted through the drywall. Funny that used to be my PR a few months ago.
A: 165/175/185, 185/195/205, 195/205/215 new PR!
B. Didn’t keep track of WBs (my partner did). Must get getting stronger, as one red band was enough.
A. 195-205-215-200-210-220-215-225(x1)-240(F)
B. 2 MU (singles)/12
2 MU (singles)/17
2 MU UB (first time stringing them together!/27
2 MU UB/23
2 MU UB/17
*Wallball numbers are my best guess from memory*
**Wallballs were done at 20# because all the 16# were taken. First time stringing MU’s together. Been nervous to try it, but committed to it and surprisingly enough, they felt much easier than doing singles, and take far less time! Took me 30 sec to do 2 singles vs. 10 sec to do 2 UB! I will definitely keep practicing stringing more together. MU felt great today. I was popping right up into a great cathch position without “chicken winging” into the dip position.