-CFP will be hosting a 1 day competition March 31st from 9am – 6pm. There will be no classes that day, if you would like to volunteer or compete please follow this link to sign up. Survival of the Fittest
A. Back Squat – 4 x 3 w/2 min Rest
B1. Pistols – 2 x 10-12 w/30 sec Rest
B2. Romanian Deadlifts – 2 x 8-10 Med Weight w/60 sec Rest
C. In teams of 3-4 complete:
200 x Pull-ups
200 x Toes through Rings
200 x Air squats
200 x Double unders /3:1 singles to double unders
Complete all 200 reps of each movement before moving on, reps maybe partition anyway between teammates.
-Post results under comments
Scaled pistols
Romanian DL-115
Wod-20:22 w/ kevin&joe
LBBS 135, 225, 245, 265 (failed on final rep)
Pistols, scaled in a variety of ways
Romanian DL 135
WOD with Drew and Kelle (not sure but it is on the board)
LBBS 135, 225, 245, 265
Pistols (scaled with bands)
Romanian DL 135
WOD 21:50 with Nate & Kelle
Partnered up with Suzie, 10:18. Great work Suzie!!!
…some stuff…and more stuff….great night. 6:30 group killed it!
Backsquat (55)
Pistols (scaled with rings)
Romanian DL (75)
Drew & Nate let me join their group for the WOD, thanks guys!
WOD: 21:50
Lifting portion of Outlaw. Didn’t hit a new PR on BS.
WOD : 19 ish
First time post 🙂 3 person Group Brenda, Stacy and John, 19:34
Stacy thanks for the fun outgoing determine leadership!!! 🙂
Partnered with Keith and Calley 14:27 way to go group.
15:09 With my AWESOME partner Heather!!
150 of pull-ups
150 toes thru rings
100 air squats
100 singles/sit-up combo
Partnered with Keith and Todd — we had a plan and got through without a problem. I scaled the workout – toes to rings I did toes to bar(but then got the toes thru rings after the workout). Did singles and used a band for the pull ups. Love the team workouts, you get to know others and push each other.