Wednesday 04022014



CFP HQ will now be offering noon classes for all levels Monday – Friday.  We will also be adding additional FIT classes at 10am and 6:00pm M/W/F at our Strength Facility.  

Need to upgrade your membership?  We’re now offering month to month membership packages for our 3/week and unlimited/week memberships.  Contact us at [email protected] for more information!


A.  EMOM – 10 Mins  

3 x Deadlifts (Build) 

B.  18 Min AMRAP w/Partner 

You go I go 

10 x DB Snatches 

200M Row 


A.  EMOM – 10 Mins 

1 x Clean + Hang Clean + FS (Build) 

B.  18 Min AMRAP w/Partner 

You go I go

10 x PS @ 95lb/65lb 

10 x WB @ 20lb/14lb 


On Group Page 

-Post results under comments  



12 Responses
  1. Carrie

    A. First time doing squats lifts in about a month. Knees felt great. Quads were sore. Kept lighter to get lower. 55×2,65×2, 75×2, 85×2, 95×2.
    B. No partner. 65# kept all PS unbroken. 10 rounds. This was a tough one. Tired after round 2.

  2. Sara Jech

    A. Performance 85, 105, 105, 115, 115, 125, 125, 135, 135, 145
    B. HSPUs w/2 mats (6-5-5-5-3-3-3)
    12 x DB Snatchs @ 30lbs- couldn’t find the 35s
    12 x Wall Balls @ 16lb 9ft target
    -Felt decent on HSPUs… Shoulders a little sore after Monday and yesterday

  3. Josh Hoekstra

    A.) 165, 165, 165, 165, 165, 175, 175, 185, 185, 195
    B.) Done – Partnered with Roy, I think we got 7+?… lost track because I was focusing on breathing 🙂 This was a really tough workout. Did about half of the 95lb PS unbroken, did others at 6/4.

  4. Jim

    A. 115,115,125,125,135,135,145,145,155,155(f)
    B. didn’t keep track of rounds. Worked with Rami Hanson. She did great

  5. Sara G

    A. Started @ 65#, ended @ 95#
    B. 5 full rounds + 1 full round for me and 6 snatches for Anna – snatches @ 55#

    Part A felt great – part B was brutal!

  6. Paul Bye

    A. 135 for all rounds. Thought I would go up, but that was plenty challenging by the end.
    B. Partner WOD w/ Jeremiah – 6 rounds (each) + 1 rep, @75# snatch, @20# wallballs. 75 was the right weight, TNG for first 4 rounds, then had to break up a few.

  7. JennF

    A. started at 85 work to 100.. kept it light and focused on scoop. Hang clean weakness.
    B. Went alone. 1:1– unbroken except for 1 round of snatches and last WB. 8 full rounds. 65# PS, 14 #WB to 10 foot target.

  8. Amy S

    A. Started at 55, ended at 75
    B. Partner WOD with Sebastian. 55# PS, 10# WB. 7 rounds? Lost track! Was a good WOD.

  9. Staci Vinz

    A. 135-145-155-165-175×2
    B. 10 @ 185-205-225-250 (this felt good, and actually think I could of gone heavier. Can’t wait to 1 rep max on DL again).
    C. Done. Only did 3 bar MU per round. Couldn’t find my technique at first, but did eventually. Once I got my bar MU mojo back I probably could of gone up to 6, but didn’t.
    D. 4 + 10 (HSPU were awful!!! Shoulders incredibly fatigued from this week. DB snatch were light).

  10. Lindsey Grace

    A. 85, 85, 95, 95, 100, 100, 105 (fail), 105, 105 (fail), 105
    B. Partnered with Michelle, 55# snatches, 14lb WB…this one was rough. Thought it was never going to end.