A. Clean Progressions
B. 15 Min AMRAP
15 x Wallballs
15 x Swings
15 x Sit-ups
C. W/Partner (You go I go) Time Permitting
10 Min AMRAP
200M Sprints
A. Cleans – 5 x 2 @ 80%
B. 15 Min AMRAP
15 x Wallballs
15 x Russian/American Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
15 x K2E
C. W/Partner (You go I go) Time Permitting
10 Min AMRAP
200M Sprints
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
10 x American Swings @ 80lb/53lb
B. 5 Rounds AFAP
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
Power Snatches @ 185lb/105lb
10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2
HSPU – 6inch/4inch
12 x Pistols (6/6)
…First round 1 PS, 10 HSPU, 12 Pistols..Second round .. 2 PS, 8 HSPU, 12 Pistols…
C. W/Partner (You go I go) Time Permitting
10 Min AMRAP
200M Sprints
-Post results under comments
5 + 35 @ 14lb wall ball, 1 pood KB
Everything was heavy today….looking forward to a rest day tomorrow 🙂
And 5 – 200M Sprints
A. 135-155-185-185-205
B. 5+16
C. Done
5 rounds in 13 minutes:
15 WBs @ 12 lb
15 Russian KB swings @ 30 lb
5 Banded (Green+Purple) Pullups, strict
A. 95-135-155-155-155
B. 4+19 @20#, American swings @1.5 pood, K2E (last couple rounds were jumping). American swings tough.
C. Done (6 minutes, I think we got 4 200m runs each)
Emom with 53#kb 7 rounds with 10 swings and 3 rounds with 8 swings.
Wod sport with no deficit hspu 14:23. Hspu felt easier i think i got more kip…soon maybe i can add the deficit.
Sprints, didnt do 10 minutes because we started late…7 or 8 minutes maybe? Not sure.
A: 125#
B: 14#wb, 1pb kb amer swings, k2e
6mins of 200m sprints
Forgot how many… Maybe 4?
rowed 3 rounds of 200
A: 65#
B: 4 + 16. 8# wallball, pink KB, situps
Strength WOD
14:55 (HSPU on 35# plates with abmat. Slowly increasing deficit)
*Did ALL pistols unassisted for the first time!!!!!
A. 65, 85, 95, 105, 105
B. 5+30 10#WB, 1 pood Am swings, sit ups
C. 5 x 200m run
A.) 185 x2, 225 x2 for the rest….missed a couple here and there
B.) 5 + 38 rx
+ 6-200 yard sprints