OHS 90# (increased by 20# from April!)
WOD: 13:31 with 35 lbs. Should have gone higher, but was nervous never doing it before. Also, with all the running was worried about my breathing but everything felt great! 🙂
OHS 95# Worked on mobility, form, opening up.
WOD 13:30 with 65. Tried to keep up with Jen’s pace on the runs. Nice work rabbit! 🙂
Mike S
Nancy: 2 sets at 80#, 3 at 65#- 16:55
OHS: 195lbs. 5lb PR! Missed on 200…
WOD: 14:44rx. PR but I was hoping for less. Felt like I was running through sand on rnds 4 and 5.
Oly make-up
4×2 snatch@85
3×2 hang clean@115
4×3 front squat@115
4×2 push jerk@95
Cally Vinz
5 rounds – 10 push press 55#, 400 M row – 16:19. PR push press 90#, just couldn’t get the 100# up there but SOON!
OHS: 145 (30# PR) failed 155#
WOD: 14:54 RX wt, row
Not a fun workout to row in. Legs fatigued and wrists were trashed.
John Colbert
OHS : 85#
WOD : 15:28 with 55#
Rob Castillo
Kinda weak OHS max, 135#, it gets difficult quickly with only adding a little extra weight…
14:29 Nancy w/ 65#, goes pretty fast once you find your balance/rhythm
Kirk Jr.
2nd WOD ever done with OHS. It feels awkward at first, but I enjoy the challenge.
OHS 90# (increased by 20# from April!)
WOD: 13:31 with 35 lbs. Should have gone higher, but was nervous never doing it before. Also, with all the running was worried about my breathing but everything felt great! 🙂
OHS 95# Worked on mobility, form, opening up.
WOD 13:30 with 65. Tried to keep up with Jen’s pace on the runs. Nice work rabbit! 🙂
Nancy: 2 sets at 80#, 3 at 65#- 16:55
OHS: 195lbs. 5lb PR! Missed on 200…
WOD: 14:44rx. PR but I was hoping for less. Felt like I was running through sand on rnds 4 and 5.
Oly make-up
4×2 snatch@85
3×2 hang clean@115
4×3 front squat@115
4×2 push jerk@95
5 rounds – 10 push press 55#, 400 M row – 16:19. PR push press 90#, just couldn’t get the 100# up there but SOON!
OHS: 145 (30# PR) failed 155#
WOD: 14:54 RX wt, row
Not a fun workout to row in. Legs fatigued and wrists were trashed.
OHS : 85#
WOD : 15:28 with 55#
Kinda weak OHS max, 135#, it gets difficult quickly with only adding a little extra weight…
14:29 Nancy w/ 65#, goes pretty fast once you find your balance/rhythm
2nd WOD ever done with OHS. It feels awkward at first, but I enjoy the challenge.
Nancy: 15:23.