-The new CFP location is close to complete which means MORE space is soon to come! With more space, comes the opportunity to begin growing our community once again. We encourage you to begin inviting friends, family and anyone else to join the fun. For those interested, call [ 507-884-9370 ] or email [ [email protected] ] to set-up a free intro session.
-July 13th – Olympic Lifting Seminar starting at 12 pm – 4 pm
-July 20th – CFP will be having another PR Challenge start at 12 pm – 2 pm

A. Pos 1 – 2 Clean Progressions
B. 4 Rounds AFAP
9 x Hang Power Snatches
20 x Wallballs
50 x Single-unders
A. Hang Clean (Full/Power) – 5 x 3 w/1-2 Min Rest
B. Iris
4 Rounds AFAP
9 x Power Snatches @ 115lb/85lb
30 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb
50 x Double-unders
Level 2
A. 3 Sets NFT
5 x Scaled Bar-Muscle-ups (Use a band)
10 x Pistols
Level 1
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
Even – Hang Power Cleans – Heavy
Odd – 10 x Pistols
B. Iris
4 Rounds AFAP
9 x Power Snatches @ 115lb/85lb
30 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb
50 x Double-unders
-Post results under comments
A: 85, 105, 125, 135, 140
B: 18:00 (finished at cap!!) rx
A. 75, 95, 125, 125, 125
B. 14:08 85#, 20#, single unders
CFP strength in a.m.
Level 2 sport:
A: done
B: 14:30@85
A. cleans 5X3 at 55# – really worked on form
B. Performance but substituted cleans for snatch (shoulder hurting). This was a struggle after the sleds yesterday. Maybe needed a recovery type of workout but since I got through it maybe not (just being wimpy)
Not sure on time 20 or so. Not a great performance. Feeling crappy and tired today. Rest day tomorrow will be good.
Double under practice 30 minutes afterwards.
Strength Programming
L2: Done
B: 16:01 Rx
A. Cleans at 85# working on form.. nice to have some input from Julie… I’ve never been coached by her before.
B. Performance. 17+ 75#, and 14#WB, singles. In the SAUNA!
16:57 fitness … good workout!
Oh and substituted sit-ups (30/per round) for the d-unders
A.) 185×3, 225×3, 225×3, 235×3, 245×3
B.) 13:48 – Did singles on rope.
A. 75-95-95-125-125
B. 15:38 @85# snatches, @20# wall-balls, singles
Hang cleans – 35, 35, 55, 55, 65
Fitness 12:20
Hang power snatches with 35# bar only
10# wall ball
A: cleans at 105#
B; 14:10, snatch @ 65#, WB 16# and singles.