Fitness – Performance
A. Take 20 Minutes to establish a 1 rep max Push Press
B. Open WOD 11.2
15 Min AMRAP
9 x Deadlifts @ 155lb/105lb
12 x HR Push-ups
15 x Box jumps @ 24inch/20inch
A. Establish the Heaviest UB Set of TNG Cleans
B. Open WOD 11.2
-Post results under comments
A. 155# maybe could’ve done more but ran out of time.
B. 5+24. 105# deadlift. 20inch box. Good workout. I like these. Got a good sweat going this morning!!
A. Push Press 120lbs- 5lb PR….
B. 8+5- Good WOD….
Afternoon KB WOD
3 Rounds
R/L 5-1 Ladder @ 30lbs
1 H Swing
High Pull
8 Rounds @ 45lbs
10 x 2 Hand Swings
5 x Goblet Squats
Ab mat sit ups OR Russian Twists OR Leg Lifts OR Divers in between rounds
Looking forward to tomorrow’s rest day!
A. 115#
B. 6+21 Rx. Good one.
75# PR
85# deadlift 8+11
1.) 175# pr match. 1 attempt at 185.
2.) 8+25 Rx’d
A. 135 (PR)
B. 6-ish @ 115#. I always lose count.
Oops. I meant 6+ 24
115# PR match
7+9 Rx
tied my pr at 155
8+19 for workout, 145# deadlifts
A. Established 1-rep max at 155#
B. 5 + 21 @ 95# and 20″ box. Probably could have gone with more weight but didn’t know for sure how it would go. Knee felt funky during a couple of rounds of box jumps so went from jumps to step-ups.
25# PR at 100 lbs. (haven’t tested this for awhile!)
WOD was great fun. Deadlift 95#, 16 box. 7 + 13.
I love these PR weeks. Unfortunately I have been out of town for a lot of them, so I hope they keep rotating through! The skills practice too.
A. 135#. +10 PR
B. WOD 6 @ 85# dead lift and 20″ box
Feels so awesome to be back!
A. 150# which is a PR for me!
B. 7 +19 (wasn’t feeling the deadlifts today)
A: 185 (+40Pr)
B: 8+11 Rx. Had to switch to step-ups after 2 rounds because I tweaked my calf on a rebound.
A. Attempted a 10# PR, failed it. Attempted my old PR of 205#, got it up about 3/4 of the way, but my shoulders failed. Was kinda tired at 8am, I did a bunch of thrusters, bench presses, and dips yesterday, so my shoulders were a little tired, and I didn’t have Matt yelling at me from over my shoulder. Oh well, no big deal.
B. I believe I did 6+22 reps.
Push press. Was below my 150 pr…did 135 and then went for 145 but failed. I stopped at that point because my shoulders felt kinda horrible. Need a rest day pretty bad.
11.2 Rx (box jumps) 8 +15. I liked the workout but the hand release push-ups are so slow! I wanted to do them fast and in a row!
A. 155# PP (5#PR)
B. 8+17rx. Darn push-ups are my Achilles heel!
75 GHD’s
A. 95# PR
B. 95# deadlifts, 6+19
A. 175# – 10# PR
B. WOD 6 + 30
A. 140 (match )
b. 7 +32 Rx really liked this workout.. Im sure I wormed a few HR push ups… but needed some stress relief tonight, and this was the ticket… much better than, lets say… sprints 😉
A. TNG Cleans 5×105, went to try 125 and it didn’t feel good on the shoulder, so I scaled it back.
B. 9+25 Rx Loved this one! 🙂
Practiced double unders again, getting better!
A. 155 (20lb PR)
B. 6+2, 135lb deadlift, 24 inch box jumps
A. 155 (10# PR)
B. 8 + 21 great WOD