Preparing for the unknown A. EMOM – Hang Power Cleans (Below the knee) x 3 @ 70%-75% for 7 Minutes B. 20 Min AMRAP 5 x Muscle-ups or 10 Pull-ups 10 x Deficit HSPU @ 4inches 200M Weighted run @ 45lb/25lb C. Mobility -Post results under comments
Jen Brickley August 29, 2012 at 6:52 pm 6 + 7. First time red band for the whole workout! Pull ups; 5 hspu from the box, 25lb weighted run
Katina austin August 29, 2012 at 7:16 pm WOD 1: 65Lb WOD 2: 5 rounds Liked this WOD! It was hard, first time doing handstand pushups!!
Ron August 29, 2012 at 7:22 pm WOD 1: 135lbs WOD 2: 7+2 with pull ups, 15lbs dumbbell presses and run with 45lbs
Jim Sorum August 29, 2012 at 7:43 pm 6 or 7 rounds + 20 jumping pullups, 30lbs dumbbell press, run w/45lbs
John Colbert August 29, 2012 at 8:50 pm WOD 1 : 95# WOD 2: 6+3, pull-ups, wall climbs and run with 25r#
jen August 30, 2012 at 2:04 pm WOD1: 65# WOD2: 6 rounds+1 pullup: (red band strict pullupsx5), HSPU on bench, 200m run with 25# plate
195# WOD 1
4+8 WOD 2
6 + 7. First time red band for the whole workout!
Pull ups; 5 hspu from the box, 25lb weighted run
tough one! WOD 5+6 (first time with red band the whole time!)
WOD 1: 125#
WOD 2: 10 ring pull ups
10 HSPU (1 abmat)
200m row
WOD 1 : 165lb
WOD 2 : 4 + 11 (pull ups)
WOD 1: 65Lb
WOD 2: 5 rounds
Liked this WOD! It was hard, first time doing handstand pushups!!
WOD 1: 135lbs
WOD 2: 7+2 with pull ups, 15lbs dumbbell presses and run with 45lbs
6 or 7 rounds + 20 jumping pullups, 30lbs dumbbell press, run w/45lbs
WOD 1 : 95#
WOD 2: 6+3, pull-ups, wall climbs and run with 25r#
A. 135#
B. 4+ 10(red PU)+ 10(35# DB press)+ 100yds(45#)
WOD1: 65#
WOD2: 6 rounds+1 pullup: (red band strict pullupsx5), HSPU on bench, 200m run with 25# plate