Wednesday 10302013


No normal classes this Saturday due to the WLC starting at 9am.

Running Drills
Running Drills


A.  Strict Press – 4 x 10 w/2 Min Rest 

B.  20 Min AMRAP w/a partner 

500M Row @ 250M Intervals 

10 x G2S w/Sandbag 

20 x Burpees 

Partition reps with partner anyway 


A1.  Strict Press – 4 x 10 w/2 Min Rest 

A2.  Kipping Pull-ups – 4 x 3 – 5  

B.  20 Min AMRAP w/a partner 

500M Row @ 250M Intervals 

10 x G2O @ 115lb/85lb 

20 x Burpees 

Partition reps with partner anyway 


A1.  Strict Press – 4 x 10 w/2 Min Rest 

A2.  Bar Muscle-ups – 4 x 3 – 5 

B.  EMOM – 18 Mins 

1st Min – 6 x TNG PC + PJ – Start Light, all UB 

2nd Min – 8 x Burpee Box Overs @ 24inch/20inch 

3rd Min – 12 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb 

-Post results under comments  


12 Responses
  1. kit

    A1. @65
    A2. Done partially d/t hands close to being ripped.
    B. @115lbs….Rough! (Shoulders are shot). Rest day on Thursday is in order.

  2. Crysta P

    A. 55 (overly optimistic…only got 8 reps), 45, 45, 45 (these were hard! that push makes presses so much easier!)
    B. w/ Christine – 4+20
    did russian swings @ 1pood instead of G2S w/Sandbag since they were locked up

  3. Susan Kian

    Strict press at 65
    Bar muscleups I haven’t done these in months. It was tricky to avoid my stomach but I just didn’t pull as hard and tried to land higher up and then slowly push up. I managed. Probably won’t be able to do those much longer and will just do rings instead.

    Workout this was ok till the last three rounds where I had a tough time getting my breath back. Used 95 and did most unbroken till last two rounds where I kinda fell apart. First time using the target…good thing to practice.

    Ps my armpit muscles 🙂 and deltoids are trashed. I could barely do a push-up!

    My legs feel completely awesome though. I do not get it!

  4. Jessi A

    A1. 45-45-45-35 (worked on form)
    A2. practiced kipping swing
    B WOD with Jenna – completed 4 rounds +55 meter row. Did 75# GTO-quite pleased with the weight (I really pushed myself)

  5. Steve Vinz

    A1. 65, 75, 85, 85lbs.
    A2. Done.
    B. 6+90 meter row @ 95lbs. with Derek (115lbs).
    Thanks for pushing me Derek!

  6. Staci Vinz

    A1. 55-65-70-70(8)
    A2. Skipped (didn’t want to rip. Need to do hand care).
    B. Done at 95#.
    This WOD felt good. Got plenty of rest between movements to recover.

  7. Laura S

    A1: 40, 45×3
    A2: green + red bands (5 reps each set)
    B. Partner with Calla (guest) 4 + 322 m row
    G2O: Laura (2 rounds @ 70#, 2 @ 65#) Calla @ 85#

    It was a fun WOD. Calla loved it!

  8. Tim Rabe

    5 rounds + 100 meters for Sherwin and I. First time without the elbow wrap and felt good. Rx on the weight.

  9. Keith

    A: Performance (somewhat) – practiced kipping PUs, got some good advice from Steve. Lifts with 65#
    B Fitness partnered with Dave – 4 + 522 – almost a full5 reps!

  10. Ryan N

    A1. 65, 85, 85, 85
    A2. Done
    B. 5 rnds + 450 Rx with Logan
    Finally starting to feel back in the groove again.

  11. Nicole Chovan

    A1. Done at 65. I felt pretty weak, I was struggling with these especially after 5 reps. 3rd and 4th set were not unbroken.
    A2. Done 3 reps per set and broke it down 2 and 1. These felt really good especially for not working on them for weeks! I was able to get my hips to the bar like I’ve been told in the past and wasn’t doing the chicken arm thing!

    B. Did the workout and was kind of all over the place. for TNG PC+PJ 85/95/90/90/90/95. Matt said I was rushing them resulting in me getting worn out. You can still breathe and take a second for TNG. Something for me to remember going forward. Burpee box jumps are always tough. Tried to do most of them actually jumping up rather than stepping up, but some of them were step ups. Wall balls felt much better on my shoulders 🙂

    Overall good workout! Loved the class tonight! 🙂