A. Partner WOD
25 Min AMRAP
You go I go
Partner 1:
15 x Swings
10 x Burpees
Partner 2:
Row for Meters
On the completion of 15 Swings and 10 burpees, partner 1 will rotate to the rower, and partner 2 will rotate to the couplet. Score = Total completed rounds and Meters for both partners.
-Post results under comments
Mandi/Jamie/Nate: 5020m – 22rnds + 7
Nice work ladies!
OMG… this got painful! 17rounds+18 reps with my pal Lisa! Can’t remember meters exactly, I think 4500. Love a partner WOD!
With Jon 4780m + 16 rounds
Partnered with my lovely wife Jen, rowed about 4400 m, then 14+45. Was a bit discouraged about completing so few rounds, but then reminded myself that a few months ago when I started I could never have completed 70 burpees. So I’m OK with that!
WOD: 22+3 4485meters with Annalissa.
With Derek 4497m and 20 rounds +2
Was a great workout. Thanks Derek!
Laura & I got 4796 m + 18 rounds + 15 reps…..
Nice work Laura!
With Joel – 4650m, 19 rounds + 2 reps
Partnered with Jessi: 15 + 4396
Then I did the WLC WOD…Yay!