- CFP will be closed Thanksgiving Day!!
- Save the Date! The next Family Friends Day is December 4th for all classes!

A. 3 Sets
5 x STO (Shoulder to Overhead)
40 x Sec Calorie Row
90 Sec Rest
B. 15 Min AMRAP w/partner for Rounds
(You go I go)
1 Round:
10 x Russian Swings
10 x Push-ups
10 x Wallballs
A. 3 Sets
5 x STO (Shoulder to Overhead)
40 x Sec Calorie Row
90 Sec Rest
B. 15 Min AMRAP w/partner for Rounds
(You go I go)
1 Round:
10 x Russian Swings @ 2 pood/1.5 pood
10 x Push-ups
10 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb
A. 3 Sets
5 x STO (Shoulder to Overhead)
40 x Sec Calorie Row
90 Sec Rest
B. 15 Min AMRAP w/partner for Rounds
(You go I go)
1 Round:
3 x Muscle-ups
6 x TNG Squat Cleans @ 155lb/105lb
9 x T2B
-Post results under comments
A. 53cal @ 135lbs ….5:45
B. 17rds + 29 with Tim
A. STO – 50, 55, 60 + 40 calories
B. 16rds + 18 w/ Nicole
Russian Swings @ 1 pood
Wallballs @ 10lb
That was an arm killer…
Decided to rest the shoulder the next few days. Did some mobility and pull-aparts to try and loosen it up.
5 DL EMOM 10 minutes 125/135/145/155/165/175/185/195/205/215. Not too bad! Need to work on getting my deadlift to a higher number..Its probably equal to my back squat :/
A. STO @ 125# (probably should of gone heavier, but shoulders feeling “off” today).
Cals: 13-13-14
B. 4 rds (with Susan)
Performance at the firehouse;
A : STO @ 100# strict presses,
Cals – 18, 20, 20
B : 8 rounds with Mike Strom and another fellow firefighter. Substituted thrusters for wallballs.
A. 16-16-19 calories (lost to my partner by 1), @115# STOs
B. 6 rounds + 40, Rx. Great workout – very balanced in the movements, I could have done a couple more rounds. Did the CG push-ups unbroken again.
A. Push Press at 105… Never would have gone that heavy without the extra push.. Thanks Sarah!!!!!!!!!
13-15-14 Cals
B. Not sure on rounds…… I think 6 full rounds and Sarah was on her push ups…. Killed it tho!!!!!!!
2 pood
16lb Wall Ball 🙂
A. STO @125
Cals:10 or 11 ,14,13
B. 4 rds (with Staci ) tried a few muscleups and got on top of rings but couldn’t push-up from that deep. This hurts my shoulder so I think I will start doing muscleup progressions to keep proficient while I’m pregnant. for today’s WOD I did 10 elbows in push-ups to substitute.
Toes to bar is a little harder now but I can still manage
Done with Sue! Thanks partner!
55# strict presses- 11-12-13 calorie rows
Wod: 6 rounds each
Great job Sue!!