Friends and Family day today!

Fitness – Performance
A. 20 Min AMRAP
Teams of 3 – 4
Waterfall Style
200M Row
20/15 x Air Squats
15/10 x Sit-ups
10/5 x Burpees
A. 20 Min AMRAP
Teams of 2 – 3 (Complete Rounds)
You go I go
1 Round
10 x Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch
10 x HR Push-ups
10 x Calorie Row
10 x Wallballs @ 20lb/16lb
10 x Pull-ups
-Post results under comments
My very first morning class – interesting to see the CFP world from the other side of the day and see the morning people!
20 Minute AMRAP w/ my friend Mishawn that I brought for F/F day
2 rounds + 55 (we were doing 15x per movement per round, 20″ box jumps, 20# wallballs, blue + red band pull-ups)
Awesome 5:30am WOD with the Andrists 🙂
20 Minute AMRAP- Sport
20 inch box jumps – finally getting the bound down
HR Push ups – these need work
Cal Row- ugh
Wall Balls w/16lb ball – finally something I’m good at 🙂
Pull Ups with Red band- Hands really sore this week, these were tough this morning
Overall fun WOD- Thanks Ang and Jason for letting me buddy up this morning!!
Thanks for pushing us, Sara! That 3rd round was tough for me!
Changed some things around because I did the workout by myself.
I did a 20 minute AMRAP of:
-10 Box Jumps (with step down) at 20 inches
-10 HR push-ups (need to practice these)
-10 Cal row
-10 Wallballs at 14lbs to 10 ft target.
9+4 was a tough one but real good!
with my friend Sarah,
7 rounds + row + 15 reps.
Sport (not with a partner):
6 rds
Sport alone
24 inch since I did box step ups
14 lb wall ball couldn’t find a 16
3 of 10 of one set of the push-ups I dropped to my knees.
5 +45
Great to see so many guests today giving it their all and seeing what we go through every week!
Dave and I got through 4 1/2 reps.
Partnered with Judy. Opted for 24in burpee-box-jumps. Found pacing the squats was important for not bonking on the burpees.
Was a great partner workout. Lots of fun! Great job Judy!!!
Keith and I did 4.5 rounds, I did 4 and Keith did 5.