
Momentum Monday is the process of setting up what you want to get done in the week ahead. Simple as writing down your goals for the week and checking them off as you get them done. Planning your week works much better than finding or not finding motivation for what you are doing randomly during the day. Building a system of discipline or habits is more effective long term than finding the motivation to complete a task daily. I see it all the time used in advertisements or Facebook posts. “Get to the gym. You overindulged last night at the super bowl party!” “Time to work off that winter belly fat!” I get it. And these mindsets do work short term. However, the lack of going deeper has failed many Americans. There isn’t enough motivation to overcome the massive deck of cards stacked against you. Distractions abound, and unhealthy traps...
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Did you know we have a free group for those interested in fitness and health on Facebook? This group is open to anyone in the Rochester, MN area, or anyone interested in health and fitness. Join the group here: Health and Fitness Group All topics are open for discussion. Running, CrossFit, Spartan Races, Gymnastics, Fat loss, Nutrition, Cycling, Triathlon, Sports, and all other fitness-related activities. New to Rochester, MN? Need advice on gyms in the area? This group is for you. With over one thousand members this is a great group to find fitness friends and share health information. Looking to start a league team? find your teammates in this group. We also run the occasional raffle. See you in the group! Health and Fitness Group Joshua J Grenell
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One of Jen and I’s favorite movies is Meet the Parents. It is a mirror of our life story. All the characters fit perfectly. And when meet the Fockers came out, I was pretty sure Ben Stiller was mocking me. What does that have to do with this post? Not much, but it is about trust, so I immediately thought of that movie. It is Saturday, so give me a little leverage. =-) At Progression and Regent, we have a pretty good thing going. Good people with common goals, expected behaviors, similar cares. Trust is essential in a gym setting if you want people to benefit from a new health and fitness routine. New people have to feel safe. Experienced members need to feel valued. Not only do we start people out with personal training to make sure they are safe for themselves in a group class, but also so...
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Bright Spot Friday!   On Fridays, we celebrate what went well in our lives during the week.   Continuing on my theme of gratitude from yesterday, Read here! Gratitude is important. And for some of us, gratitude is challenging.  Taking a moment to reflect on the past seven days and picking out the good things that happened is a mighty task.  Here is some help to get you started.  Any good things that happened at work this week?  Co-worker interactions?People you helped?Compliments you got or gave?Did you make someone feel good?Projects completed?How about in your family life?Did you get to spend some time with a loved one?Date night?Did some extra chores to help out?Give a gift? Celebrate success? Did anything happen out in public?Did you hold the door for someone? Help out someone in need? Let someone else go ahead of you? Buy someone’s coffee? Did someone do any of these things for you?    These are three areas...
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Yesterday’s Dream. You have gotten better. Whether or not you realize it, you have improved in many areas of your life. Take a moment and think about the things that improved for you. It could be your relationship with your significant other; maybe it is your work skills or career. Perhaps you have become a better parent, or perhaps a better dog owner. Covid has caused a pause for some of us. Given us time or even forced reflection. Realizing how far we have come and looking back on our former selves is key to acknowledging success and improvement. Seeing growth in yourself sets you up to continue to grow. I will go down the fitness path here. However, the personal growth path is just as crucial, if not more so, for all areas of your life. In the gym, we need to track how we are doing and where...
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