
KettleBell/Function: A.) work up to heavy L/R Turkish Get up. B.) 4 rounds 10 Strict Pull-ups (Scale up to C2B) 10 DB or KB Snatch (5L/5R) (44,26) 10 HR Push-ups 20 Air squats Perform/RX: A.) Back Squats Heavy 1 rep @ 85% Warm up- 10,5,5,3,3 or…… Make up lift / skills practice B.) 4 rounds 10 C2B 10 DB Snatch (5L/5R) 10 HSPU( or Heavy DB press) 10 Pistols or 20 air squats Compete: A.) Back Squats Heavy 1 rep @ 85% Warm up- 10,5,5,3,3 or…… Make up lift / skills practice B.) 5 rounds 5 Bar MU 10 DB Snatch (70/50) 15 HSPU 20 Pistols -Results to comments!    
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Kettlebell/Function: A.) OHS – 5×3 From Ground – Finish heavier than previous week B.) 20 min AMRAP 500 m row 30 Step ups 30 Burpees 30 KB Thrusters Perform/RX A.) OHS – 5×3 From Ground – Finish heavier than  previous week  B.) 20 min AMRAP 500 m row 30 Box Jumps (24/20) 30 Burpees 30 Thrusters (75/55) Compete: A.) OHS – 5×3 From Ground – Finish heavier than previous week B.) 20 min AMRAP 500 m row 30 Box Jumps (24/20) 30 Burpees 30 Thrusters (95/65)      
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KettleBell/Function: A.) 8 min. EMOM Odd – KB Press 3 (R/L) Even – 30 DU’s B.) 10 min AMRAP 10 Double KB DL 20 Walking Lunges 30 DU Perform/RX A.) 8 min. EMOM Odd – 5 Push Jerks (from ground) Even – 30 DU’s B.) 10 min AMRAP 10 DL (185/125) 20 Walking Lunges 30 DU Compete: A.) 8 min. EMOM Odd – 5 Push Jerks (from ground) Even – 50 DU’s B.) 10 min AMRAP 10 DL (225/155) 20 Walking Lunges 30 DU -Results to comments!
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So you’re headed for warmer weather!  The sun, the sand, the cocktails, and the excuses you find to stop your fitness regimen for 7 straight days.  Yeah… I’m calling you out. We’ve all done it.  It’s spectacularly easy to find ways to skip your workout while on vacation.  Sometimes we even make a conscious decision before we get on that plane that we’re going to give our body a much needed rest.  B.S.  Let’s be honest; that’s just another excuse we use.  Next time, use your new, (and most likely gorgeous) environment as an inspiration for your daily sweat session. Pack your jump rope for sure and if you’re feeling ambitious, (and awesome) pack an empty sand bag, which you’ll promptly fill up with that soft, white sand once you’ve reached your destination.  Both items are small and light weight and can make for an awesome beach WOD. Speaking of beach...
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“GTG” (Grease the Groove) is going to be the final piece to add to your open prep during the next couple of weeks. GTG is one of many ways to develop a ton of quick strength. This will be great considering we have two and a half weeks before the open starts. If you are close, or want to get a body weight skill like Push ups, Pull ups, Muscle Ups, etc. this is what you need to be doing for the next couple weeks. YOU CAN get your skills down by the open, get your mind right and get in the gym. Read this article only if you like becoming more awesome. (this is everything you need to know about GTG) After reading this you may be wondering how you are going to perform GTG with movements like Pull Ups and Muscle Ups if you don’t have the...
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