
Kettlebell/FUNction: A.) Turkish Get ups 4x Ladder 1-3(L/R)  (1 left, 1 right, 2 left, 2 right, 3 left, 3 right.) B.) 4 rounds 15 bench dips( Or Matadors) 3x shuttle run <-> 100 Single Unders Perform RX: A.) Back Squats  – 5×3 w/ pause 1st rep Finish heavier than MON. B.) 4 rounds 15 strict dips 3x shuttle run <-> 50 DU –Results to comments!  
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KettleBell/Function: A.) KB clean and press 6×2 (R/L) (1.5 / 1) B.) 5 rounds 5 Double KB Power Swings 10 Push-ups 15 Sit-ups Perform/RX: A.) Clean and Jerk – 6×1 @ 70% B.) 5 rounds 5 Power Clean (155/105) 10 HSPU(20 DB Press) 15 Sit-ups Compete: A.) Clean and Jerk – 6×1 @ 70% B.) 5 rounds 5 Power Clean (225/155) 10 HSPU 15 GHD -Results to comments!
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KettleBell/Function A.) Double KB Front Squats – 5×5 w/pause 1st rep 3 sec. Strict MU progresssions – 2-3 progressions / MU’s B.) 3 rounds 3 min AMRAP 1 min rest between AMRAPs 10 wallballs (20/14) 20 Single Unders 10 KB Swings Perform/RX A.) Front Squats – 5×3 w/pause 1st rep 3 sec. @75% Strict MU progresssions – 2-3 progressions / MU’s B.) 3 rounds 3 min AMRAP 1 min rest between AMRAPs 10 wallballs (20/14) 10 DU 10 KB Swings (1.5/1) Compete: A.) Front Squats – 5×3 w/pause 1st rep 3 sec. @75% Strict MU progresssions – 2-3 progressions / MU’s B.) 3 rounds 3 min AMRAP 1 min rest between AMRAPs 10 wallballs (20/14) 10 DU 10 KB Swings (2/1.5) -Results to comments!
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When you see a paleo recipe leading with “nutty cocoa-nana” you jump on it.  When there are less ingredients than fingers on your hand, it jumps to the top of your list. What’s great about these pancakes is, they couldn’t be easier to make, they’re delicious, they travel well, and you can freeze them. Ingredients: 2 Bananas (the riper, the sweeter) 2 Whole Eggs 2 Tbsp Nut Butter (chef’s choice) *Note: Almond Butter was used for this recipe. 2 Tbsp Cocoa Powder Directions: Mash the bananas in a large mixing bowl. Once the bananas are thoroughly smooshed, add the eggs and nut butter, and mix thoroughly with a spoon. Add the cocoa powder; if you find that the mixture becomes a little too dry then consider adding a couple of extra eggs.  *Note: The consistency of these is similar to traditional pancakes so adding a scoop of your favorite protein powder would...
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Function/Kettlebell A.) KB Clean and Squat 6×2 (R/L) (4 total) B.) For time: 4-8-12-16-20 Pull-ups 4-8-12-16-20 Cal Row Perform/RX A.) Snatch  -6×1 @ 75% B.) For time: 5-10-15-20-25 Pull-ups 5-10-15-20-25 Cal Row Compete: A.) Snatch  -6×1 @ 75% B.) For time: 3-6-9-12-15 Muscle Ups 5-10-15-20-25 Cal Row -Results to comments!
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