Rolling out the CFP Fall Schedule! On Monday, September 29th, expect to see some additions to the CFP schedule. Some highlights: Oly Lifting with Coach Nic is back! [T/Th @ 6:30pm in CFP Black] CrossFit Progressions [M-W-F @ 6:30pm in CFP Black]- CFP’s new beginner CrossFit track…perfect for new members or first time CF’ers Competitors Class [Weekdays @ 5pm in CFP Black]- a class designed and coached by our competitive athletes FIT Class will remain in the evenings- [T/Th @ 6:30pm in CFP Red] CFP Red is the main space CFP Black is the new space CFP Black has been specifically designed with our members in mind. Anytime there is a class happening in CFP Red or CFP Black, members may use the CFP Strength space for extra lifting or skill work. The Strength space is the open space nearest to the front door in CFP Black. Come early, stay late,...
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