Having started CrossFit for the first time about one year ago I figured it’d be fun to reflect on how far I’d come in that time. Progression staff came to HGST to introduce us programmer/engineer-types to CrossFit, a new benefit our company was going to provide to all its employees. After a short discussion on some general concepts and terminology they set up a 5 minute timer with a short, body-weight WOD: 3 rounds of 10 air squats, 10 burpees, and 10 ABMAT sit-ups. I failed. I failed miserably. I was not able to complete it within the 5 minute time limit. Not only that, I was pretty much unable to stand afterward; my thighs had hit the wall somewhere during the second round of burpees. Walking, if you could call it that, back to my office I was amazed at how humbling a simple sounding workout like that...
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