
Cost – $50 for members $120 for non-members This is a 4 hour seminar which will run July 13th from 12-4pm. The seminar will be ran by USAW certified coach Nic Scudamore and his assistants. Nic is also the head weightlifting coach at CrossfitProgression and of the Rochester Barbell Club. The focus of the seminar will be on the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. What are the Snatch and Clean and Jerk? The Snatch and Clean and Jerk, often times referred to as the Olympic lifts are 2 of the most technical and explosive movements in all of sports. They are total body movements requiring precision, inter-muscle coordination and flexibility. When performed correctly, the Olympic lifts can help athletes and individuals to realize their true athletic potential. Who is this seminar for? Whether you are new to weightlifting, just looking to improve your current numbers or are training specifically for...
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Warm Up – something I like to do before a lift is to get in a good roll session on one of the soft rollers. It’s a good way to get the blood flowing to the muscles faster. Programming Snatch pulls + POS 2 snatch – 12 min. Clean pulls + POS 2 Clean and Jerk – 12 min. Main focus with the Positions 2 work today is keeping our shoulders slightly leaning in front of the bar allowing us to hit our Position 1. Front Squats – 5×2 Banded Hamstring curls – 100   Extra Mobility – 1omin. AT LEAST Lu Xiaojun lateral raises – 3×15 – LIGHT WEIGHT – show your armpits just like a snatch, think about your catch position when performing these – – Talk to me if you have questions Planks – 3 x 1 min hold    
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Fitness A.  Clean Progressions B.  4 Rounds AFAP 10 x STO @ 65lb/45lb 30 x Double-unders (2:1) Singles : Doubles 10 x Power Cleans @ 65lb/45lb 30 x Double-unders 10 x Push-ups 30 x Double-unders 20 Min Cap  Performance A.  TNG Cleans – 5 x 3 B.  4 Rounds 10 x STO @ 95lb/65lb  30 x Double-unders  15 x Power Cleans @ 95lb/65lb  30 x Double-unders  20 x Push-ups  30 x Double-unders  20 Min Cap  Sport  Level 2  A.  3 Sets NFT  5 x Scaled Bar Muscle-ups  10 x Alternating Pistols  Level 1  A.  3 Sets NFT  5 x Bar Muscle-ups  10 x Alternating Pistols  B.  4 Rounds AFAP  10 x STO @ 135lb/95lb  30 x Double-unders  5 x Squat Cleans @ 225lb/125lb  30 x Double-unders  15 x Ring dips  30 x Double-unders  1 x Bar Only  20 Min Cap  -Post results under comments 
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Warm up – Coaches Choice; if you are early try something new today, for instance roll out on one of the soft foam rollers, this will help the blood flow to your muscles. Great for warming up! Programming intensity – 85% base week cycle 3 Snatch – 5×1 Clean and Jerk 5×1 Before hitting your 5×1 you should have at least performed 4 to 5 warm up sets of doubles or triples. Back Squats – 5×3 – The goal is to at least work up to 85% of your one rep max, if you consistently squat you can try to go heavier. Remember if you want to get stronger put more weight on the bar. RDL’s – 5×5 – Do not need a heavy weight for this, focus on getting a good stretch in the hamstrings and working your lower back. Extra Mobility – 10 min. !!!! Push ups –...
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6PM KB CLASS A. 5 RDS 5 Double KB C&P 5 Pull-ups -rest as needed B.  5 RDS 5 Double KB Front Squat 8 Double KB Swing -rest as needed C. 3 RDS -1 min. Double KB Rack hold -rest 1 min. -Use Double C&P bells for rack holds
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