If you haven’t yet, please check out the CFP Strength page. The CFP Strength program is an optional strength program for members looking for a clear cut no nonsense approach to get STRONG. The prescription for the Strength Training program will change daily. Somedays the strength program will be prescribed before the daily WOD, other days vice versa. You will also see additional speed/agility drills and accessory work. It would be ideal to split the daily WOD and strength training sessions into two separate sessions. You may complete the strength program in the Progression room when it isn’t in use or during any open hour at the gym. The strength program should not interrupt any regular classes going on! -Stay strong, drink milk, eat your steak and onions ~Matt Fitness A. Kettlebell Snatch Progressions B. AFAP 21 – 15 – 9 Kettlebell Snatch or High Pull/Right Arm Kettlebell Snatch or...
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