-Josey Meurer I have been an athlete nearly all my life. Prior to joining CFP however, nutrition was never a priority. I always had the mindset that I worked my ass off, and as long as it was in moderation, I was going to eat/drink whatever I wanted. I had plenty of success as an athlete and thought I was healthy, fit, and 100%. After many years of “retirement” and finding crossfit, I realize now how wrong I was. First, you cannot possibly out work a bad diet=fact. Second, I had gone through life having no idea that the current diet/lifestyle choice was practically being forced upon me because of my own ignorance and uneducated choices. With a world of reports, and articles, and studies, and books, and critics, my main question was “where the crap to I begin to understand this?!” It breaks down to something quite simple, Everything...
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