
Adequate sleep is one of the most important and overlooked aspects of living a healthy life.  Recovery can not happen without good sleep.  lack of good sleep can also contribute to weight gain. A lot of people struggle with sleep. Here are five things to help you get started on improving your sleep. 1. No screens of any kind one-hour before bed.  Blue light does not help with sleep.  I set my phone to sleep mode from 9pm to 5am.    This helps with keeping disturbances to a minimum.  Most of us now use our phones as our alarms.  If you don’t use your phone as an alarm.  Leave it in another room. 2.  Darken your room.  The summer means it is still light late into the evening and early in the morning.  Black out curtains work wonders. 3. No caffeine at least six hours before bed. I think shooting...
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One of the sweetest souls you’ll ever meet.  Julie is full of life, wisdom, and happiness!  Read on to get to know Julie! What do you do for a living? After 36 years working for IBM as a program manager, I retired! What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym? I have two Border Collies with whom I compete with in agility. What made you decide to try Progression Fitness? I saw an article on the Wallstreet Journal about CrossFit and it sounded like the type of “business-type” workout that I would really enjoy. How long have you been at Progression Fitness? This is my third year. What was your experience with fitness like prior to joining Progression Fitness? I was a member of the RAC and found that to be boring.  It just wasn’t “me”. What was your biggest fear when you started? That I would be the...
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Race is quickly approaching! Some things you can do now to help on race day. 1. Spend as much time as you can outside. This includes walking, sitting, and exercising. 2. Grease the groove. A few of the obstacles are monkey bar like. Spend some time hanging out on the the rig or from whatever you can find. Rapid progress is possible by simply doing this a couple times a day. 3. Practice your hydration, increase water intake now. Drinking a lot of fluids the day or night before is really a bad idea. You will simply flush your electrolytes and end up cramping. Start increasing fluids now if needed. 4. As above clean up your diet now. Good carbs are key. Now is also not the time to switch to a low carb diet. Energy systems take 3-5 weeks to adapt. Switching now will leave you with no energy...
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