
CALORIE IN, CALORIE OUT A widely debated question in nutrition is: Are all calories made the same? Is a calorie just a calorie?  Intuitively, you would think there is no way a calorie of steak or broccoli could be the same as a calorie of Skittles. There has to be a stark difference between a...
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MORE FOOD MIGHT BE THE ANSWER  If you have ever tried to lose weight in the past, you probably did so by trying to eat less.  You may have cut out some of your favorite foods or avoided entire food groups for some time. Maybe you’ve tried a paleo challenge or Whole30? Perhaps you’ve tried...
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“NEVER MISTAKE ACTIVITY FOR ACHIEVEMENT.” – JOHN WOODEN. There is a quote to think about this week.  In today’s hustle culture, so many of us get caught up in how much we are doing without thinking about how much progress we are making toward our goals.  Are you achieving, or are you just spinning your...
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HOW TO NAVIGATE THE SUMMER MONTHS TO STAY ON TRACK Summer is here —a season traditionally known for vacations and cutting loose.  By now, people’s New Year’s resolutions are distant memories, and most nutrition and fitness goals are on the cusp of falling by the wayside.  The next few weeks are critical in deciding how...
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